Insufficient inspectors to carry out diploma evaluations []

Some newly qualified primary teachers in their probationary year will not receive their diplomas this year due to a shortage of department inspectors.

All new graduates of primary school training programmes must do a one-year diploma in a teaching environment in order to be fully qualified. The diploma involves evaluations of the teacher in the classroom by department inspectors. Traditionally, this evaluation has taken place during the first year of teaching and the teacher has secured the diploma by the end of that year.


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Teachers to lobby TDs on pay cuts [IrishExaminer]

GOVERNMENT backbenchers face the wrath of teachers whose four unions have asked their 65,000 members to lobby TDs this weekend against the public service pay cuts announced in Wednesday’s budget.

Along with 250,000 other public servants, teachers and college lecturers face cuts of at least 5% from January if the Government legislation to impose the cuts gets through the Dáil on Tuesday and Wednesday, with protests planned at Leinster House from Tuesday evening.


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Teachers plan work-to-rule over cutbacks []

TEACHERS are planning a work-to-rule in 4,000 schools and Institutes of Technology to show anger at Budget cuts.

Details of the action will be worked out by leaders of the TUI, ASTI and INTO.

And one of the country's main nursing unions last night called for an all-out public service strike in January to reverse the pay cuts that were imposed in the Budget.


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Teachers' unions meet to discuss strike options [IrishExaminer]

The executives of the country's teachers' unions are meeting today to decide whether or not to take industrial action in the new year.

Teachers will consider a range of options from a work-to-rule to all-out industrial action in response to the pay cuts announced in the Budget.

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Teachers: Discussions on school reform are over, unions tell O'Keeffe []

TEACHER unions say they will not attend talks with Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe in the new year to discuss cost-saving reforms in schools and colleges.

'It's over' was the message yesterday from unions representing 65,000 teachers and college lecturers after the minister said he would be inviting them in "when the dust settles".

Mr O'Keeffe wants to discuss the reform agenda that was on the table before the collapse of the public service cost-cutting negotiations last week.


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