In my opinion: Passion from teachers and principals offers hope []

The loss of hope is indeed a truly terrible thing. Martin Luther King noted that "If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving".

It is ironic that the stories of achievement, vitality and enthusiasm emanating from schools in our most disadvantaged communities provide me, and others, with a real sense of hope at a time when hope appears to be in short supply.


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Payout of €9.1m for part-time primary teachers []

ALMOST 700 teachers will receive back payments of €9.1m next week following a thorough examination of the arrears owed to them by the Government, the Irish Independent has learned.

The 695 part-time primary teachers are due arrears because of the introduction of legislation in 2001 which meant they were entitled to be paid the same as their full-time counterparts to reflect their qualifications and experience.


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An insider's guide to education [IrishTimes]

TEACHER'S PET: There may be trouble ahead . . . Minister for Education Batt O’Keeffe will brief the the education correspondents at about 5pm tomorrow, just after Brian Lenihan unveils the Budget.

There is growing apprehension about more cuts in the €9 billion education budget – even though O’Keeffe’s room for manoeuvre is limited.

All things being equal, the Minister and his senior officials would like to increase class size and introduce college tuition fees or loans. But the Green Party has vetoed any such moves.


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O’Keeffe: Unions should return to talks next year [IrishExaminer]

DESPITE the collapse of the talks with unions to secure €1.3 billion in public service pay savings, Education Minister Batt O’Keeffe is optimistic that unions will return to discussions on public service reform next year.

Although more than 300,000 public servants face pay cuts looming in tomorrow’s budget, the minister said unions had agreed in the last few weeks how they and the Government need to negotiate into the future.

"Nothing has changed, they know we’re going to have to make further savings next year.

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O'Keeffe sees basis for further talks [IrishTimes]

MINISTER FOR Education Batt O'Keeffe yesterday appeared to offer an olive branch to the trade union movement, saying the discussions on reducing the public sector wage bill may have collapsed but much good work had been done which laid the basis for further talks next year.

Mr O'Keeffe said both the Government and union movement were disappointed with the collapse of the talks, but both sides had been close to an agreement.

He said that the work done in the talks would "form an outstanding basis for talks into next year".


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