Rethink urged on Protestant school aid cuts []

THE Government was yesterday urged to rethink its decision to cut grants to Protestant secondary schools in the Republic.

The Royal Black Institution said it planned to follow the Orange Order and meet the Government and opposition leaders to raise concerns at the cuts.

Senior Protestant clergy in the Republic, plus a cross-section of political parties in the North, have joined government critics in attacking the plans to remove grant aid historically offered to 21 fee-paying Protestant schools.


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Children get fired up over festive safety tips []

A TROOP of pint-sized recruits to the Dublin Fire Brigade will be using pester power to ensure their parents follow a range of safety tips this festive season.

The 12 children, aged from five to 12 years, were presented with awards at the Mansion House yesterday after their artwork was selected for inclusion in the brigade's 2010 Community Fire Safety Calendar.


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Launch of €150m “smart schools” plan []

The Minister for Finance, Brian Lenihan TD has welcomed the launch by the Taoiseach, Brian Cowen TD of a new €150 million action plan for “smart schools” which means that every classroom in the country is to get a teaching laptop, software and digital projector over the next three years. 

The new action plan has been produced by the joint advisory group established by the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O’Keeffe TD. The advisory group was chaired by Paul Rellis, Managing Director of Microsoft Ireland.


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In-Depth Findings Released on the Health, Education and Social and Emotional Well-Being of 8,500 Nine-Year-Olds

Monday 7th December 2009 – The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Mr. Barry Andrews T.D., today launched the first major report from Growing Up in Ireland, the national longitudinal study of children tracking the lives of over 8,500 nine-year-olds. The report was launched at the Study's inaugural research conference held in Dublin Castle.

Growing Up in IrelandThe Lives of 9-Year-Olds” provides a comprehensive picture of how children are faring across a range of key areas in their lives including their health, education, social, emotional and behavioural status. In general, the report shows that children in Ireland are doing well in these areas. It does, however, highlight particular concerns in the three important areas of: (i) weight/obesity; (ii) inequalities related to socio-economic status and (iii) prevalence and nature of bullying.


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180 teachers can't qualify []

AROUND 180 probationary teachers will not be able to get their final qualifications in the current school year because of a shortage of inspectors.

All newly qualified primary school teachers must also complete a one-year diploma which includes visits by inspectors to evaluate the teacher's ability in a classroom environment.


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