O’Keeffe orders report on colleges’ spending of fees [IrishExaminer]

A SURVEY of how third-level colleges have been spending the €1,500 registration fee paid by students has been ordered by Education Minister Batt O’Keeffe.

He told the Dáil the Higher Education Authority (HEA) had previously been satisfied that student services above the value of the €900 fee, paid by students themselves or on their behalf by the State through the grants system, were provided by colleges in return.


Full Story: www.irishexaminer.com

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Children should not be made pay for economic crisis [labour.ie]

The Labour Party is calling on the Government not to cut child benefit in next week’s Budget.

Children should not be made pay for economic crisis

Speaking in the Dail on Labour Party Private Member’s Motion opposing cuts in Child Benefit

The Labour Party is calling on the Government not to cut child benefit in next week’s Budget.

* Because family incomes have already taken a substantial hit in the last two budgets;
* Because Ireland is still a very expensive place to raise a child;
* Because child benefit is the only recognition by the State of this high cost;
* Because cutting child benefit will have a deflationary impact on the economy;
* And because any of the proposed reforms will create poverty traps, work disincentives, and will increase the numbers of children in poverty.


Full Story: www.labour.ie

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Local teachers left with no other option but to protest [fingal-independent.ie]

ARGUABLY the biggest impact of Tuesday's strike action came in the education sector, where thousands of Fingal children had a day off from lessons as schools closed their gates. Teachers had one of the hardest decisions to make and while they regretted the loss of class time, they felt they were again left with no choice but to protest.



Full Story: www.fingal-independent.ie

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Bid to stagger teachers' leave for minimal impact [Independent.ie]

SCHOOLS won't close but the most likely deal on unpaid leave for teachers will impact on pupil tuition over the next three years.

Negotiations with unions are focussing on agreeing that teachers stagger 12 days' unpaid leave over three years, but suffer the entire pay loss in 2010.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Union to ballot members on pay talks [IrishTimes]

TEACHERS: TEACHERS WILL be balloted on the outcome of the current talks with the Government, the Irish Nationalk Teachers Organisation (INTO) said last night.

A spokesman said: “The INTO is a fully democratic organisation and every member is entitled to have their say. This will be done through established practices.”


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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