An end to academic excellence? [IrishTimes]

LOUISE HOLDEN examines the prospects for the Junior Cert exam. Is it the beginning of the end?


Minister Batt O’Keeffe will receive proposals for a reformed Junior Cert for Christmas.


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Pupils struggling with hunger and emotional problems in classroom []

SOME pupils are coming to school hungry while a sizeable number are suffering from emotional and sleep problems, research shows.

But poverty is only one reason for the lack of food, according to the research project. In some cases, poor sleeping patterns and anxiety were to blame, while anorexia was a possible factor for girls.


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HSE teams administer swine flu vaccine in schools []

800,000 primary and secondary school students will be offered the swine flu vaccination under a HSE programme which started in schools on Nov 30.

Under this phase of the national vaccination programme, which will be completed early next year, everyone under the age of 18 and over six months - as well as all school staff - will be offered the vaccination.


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Swine flu programme for school-goers gets under way [IrishTimes]

A PROGRAMME which will see about 800,000 primary and secondary school students offered the swine flu vaccination got under way yesterday.

The Health Service Executive (HSE) said reports from across the State suggested the roll out of the scheme had gone smoothly and that the majority of parents were consenting to their children receiving the vaccine.


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O'Keeffe: Bishops' roles in schools is 'minimal' [Irish Examiner]

The Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe has refused to back calls for bishops named in the Murphy report to be removed as patrons of schools.

The Labour Party said the move would send a clear signal that the State will not tolerate what the Church covered up in the past.

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