Scrap Partnership: It's time to strike back []

Working people hit the streets in huge numbers on November 6th. The protests showed, once again, that there is a willingness to resist the government’s attacks on living standards. Most observers put the total number who walked out of work to take part in the eight protests at around 100,000.

When 120,000 marched on February 21st the Irish Congress of Trade Unions followed this up with their plan for a general strike on March 30th, only to cancel it in return for the promise of new "social partnership" talks.

The prospect of new "social partnership" talks has been suggested again. Congress leaders want little more than to be ‘consulted’ and negotiated with. They want to moderate the government’s strategy but accept the “need” for income cuts.


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Minister O'Keeffe announces €28m for minor works in primary schools []

'Cash for small-scale projects to hit schools' bank accounts in coming days' - Minister

More than 3,200 primary schools are to get grant payments amounting to €28 million over the coming days to carry out small-scale structural and mechanical works, according to the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD.

Announcing the minor works grant for 2009/2010, Minister O'Keeffe said the rates payable are €5,500 per school plus €18.50 per mainstream pupil and €74 per special needs pupil.

So, for example, a 50-pupil school will get €6,425 and a 300-pupil school will receive over €11,000.


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Teachers mock call to spend €28m fund wisely []

MORE than 3,200 primary schools will get €28m in grants over the coming days to carry out small-scale structural and mechanical works.

But primary teachers dismissed the announcement by Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe as 'routine'.

Mr O'Keeffe said the rates payable were €5,500 per school plus €18.50 per mainstream pupil and €74 per special needs pupil.


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Girls' school holds raffle for places {]

A high-profile midland's convent was forced to hold a lottery to allocate the last remaining places for next year's intake of girls.

The raffle at The Sacred Heart School in Tullamore, Co Offaly, has infuriated parents in Taoiseach Brian Cowen's hometown as over 50 students have missed out.


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Pupil numbers set to soar in Blanchardstown and Swords []

The Department of Education has indicated that up to 260 new classrooms for Dublin alone will be required by 2015, as the number of student enrolments continues to increase.

With the help of the new Geographical Information System (GIS), the department is using population trend data to determine which areas will have the highest numbers of new enrolments between now and 2020.


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