Huge protest in Inishowen []

Virtual shut down as public service workers stage one day strike

Schools and public service buildings in Inishowen closed yesterday as local State workers joined in the national one-day strike in protest at proposed Government cutbacks. There was disruption to services across a range of areas, including health, education, local authorities, courts and public administration as staff protested at Government plans to cut €1.3bn from the public sector bill.


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Thousands of teachers stage walkout []

More than 5,000 teachers angered by possible Budget cuts staged a protest outside the Department of Education during yesterday's national strike.

The Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) claimed the public sector walkout sent a clear message to the Government that workers wanted meaningful talks on an equitable plan for economic recovery.

Sheila Nunan, incoming general secretary of the primary teachers' union, called on members to ignore attempts to divide and conquer workers.


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HSE contingency plans ‘worked well’ [IrishExaminer]

CONTINGENCY plans by the Health Service Executive to deal with yesterday’s industrial action by the public sector trade unions worked well, the health authority claimed last night.

It said hospitals around the country, particularly emergency departments, were very busy with a Christmas Day level of cover provided across many of services.


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Unions return to pay talks saying cuts are necessary []

Having brought the country to a virtual standstill yesterday, union leaders re-entered intensive talks with the Government today, admitting for the first time that cuts are "necessary".

After the widespread disruption that saw schools closed, public amenities marked off-limit and civil servants walk out in their thousands, a chink of light appeared at the end of the protest.


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Who speaks for parents as teachers stop work? []

As teachers stayed away from classrooms yesterday, parents felt that they were being used as unwelcome pawns in a battle between unions and the government.

The primary interest of the teachers' unions is obviously to protect the generous pay and conditions of members. No union member could expect anything less.


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