Presentation Brothers hand over to lay trustees [IrishExaminer]

THE ownership of eight Presentation Brothers’ schools has been taken over by a board of lay trustees. They include seven Cork schools.

Although the handover to the new Presentation Brothers Schools Trust (PBST) took place in September, the change was marked at a weekend Mass coinciding with the congregation’s feast day.

The order has only around 100 brothers in Ireland and many of them are retired, although falling vocations was not the only reason for the move.


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Spend extra €10k on each student, urges EU report [IrishExaminer]

EXTRA investment in school buildings and extra teachers will help many countries relaunch their economies in the short term, and is expected to enhance long-term economic perspectives, according to an EU report on education published yesterday.

It also suggests that EU countries need to invest an average extra €10,000 per student to match the funding going into third level education in the United States, where private funding boosts investment.


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'Brain drain' fear as our top students flock to UK colleges []

A SURGE in applications from Irish school leavers for prestigious university courses in the UK next year has prompted fears of a brain drain.

The Government has pledged to keep the brightest students here to kick-start the 'smart economy', which is promised to lift us out of economic slump.


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Details of pupil-teacher sex claims on Facebook []

Students have posted details online about an alleged serious sexual incident involving a male teacher and a teenage girl at a secondary school.

Gardai have confirmed that an investigation is being carried out into the serious allegation of inappropriate sexual relations at a school, which is situated in the mid-west of the country.


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Thousands of teachers march on department []

MORE than 5,000 teachers amassed outside the Department of Education as part of the national strike yesterday.

Across the country, thousands of teachers staged protests as primary and secondary schools shut down.

The Irish National Teachers Organisation said the action outside the department was aimed at securing "meaningful talks on an equitable plan for economic recovery".


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