Welfare spending has to fall - Minister [Irish Times]

Social welfare spending must be reduced and public sector pay must be re-examined, the Minister for Education and Science Batt O'Keeffe told an economic conference in Kenmare, Co Kerry, last night.

Mr O'Keeffe said the next few months would "test our mettle as a nation", but that "the experience of the 1980s shows us that delay makes the problem worse".

Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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Batt falls short of Dev's gold standard on minorities [Independent.ie]

THE journalist Henry Kelly gave us an extraordinary account of Charles Haughey's attitude towards Irish Protestantism.

"I vividly recall the burden of Haughey's conversation," Kelly wrote in the Sunday Telegraph in 2006, "that Ulster Protestants were secondary to the future of Ireland and that -- [Haughey's own words] -- "they've never achieved anything''.

Full Story: www.independent.ie

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eTwinning [Leargas.ie]

Three workshops will be held where eTwinning teachers share their experiences of running successful eTwinning projects in their schools.

Full Story: www.leargas.ie

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All four-year-olds to be offered school or nursery place (UK) [Guardian]

Every four-year old in England will be offered a place at school or nursery under plans set out by the schools secretary Ed Balls today to bring forward the age that children start full-time education by a year.

Full Story: www.guardian.co.uk

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No agreement on redeploying 200 surplus teachers [Irish Examiner]

UP to 200 teachers who are surplus to sanctioned staffing numbers in second-level schools cannot be moved elsewhere because of failure by the Department of Education and unions to agree a redeployment scheme over the last three years.

The redeployment scheme promised in the June 2006 Towards 2016 social partnership deal was to have been agreed by the end of that year. It was to allow for movement of a teacher to a different school when student numbers at the school where he or she works fell by enough to bring staffing levels above those allowed under pupil-teacher ratios set by Government.

Full Story: www.irishexaminer.com

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