Seven Donegal schools opt for buildings over prefabs [Highland Radio]

Education Minister Batt O'Keefe says 181 schools across the country have opted to use grant aid for the purchase of temporary accommodation to build permanent classrooms instead.

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Dept accused of attack on Protestant schools []

The Protestant Archbishop of Dublin has accused the Department of Education of a determined and doctrinaire attack against Protestant schools.

In an address delivered to the Dublin and Glendalough Diocesan Synod, Dr John Neill strongly criticises last year's Budget decision to remove certain funding from Protestant Schools and cut their teacher entitlement.

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St Michael's House rejecting new pupils, says department [Irish Times]

THE DEPARTMENT of Education says St Michael's House Special School in Dublin has "refused" to enrol additional children with disabilities.

A spokesman for the department said a meeting with management of the school in Rathgar would take place at the end of the month to discuss the issue. "The Department of Education and National Council for Special Education (NCSE) are disappointed that St Michael's House has refused to enrol additional children with disabilities," he said.

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O'Keeffe to discuss cuts' impact on Protestants [Irish Times]

MINISTER FOR Education Batt O'Keeffe is to meet representatives of Protestant secondary schools today to discuss the effects on them of cutbacks in last year's budget.

Yesterday, the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin, Most Rev John Neill, accused the Department of Education of mounting a "very determined and doctrinaire effort . . . to strike at a sector which some officials totally failed to understand".

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O'Keeffe 'on collision course with Protestant faith' [Irish Times]

MINISTER FOR Education Batt O'Keeffe was accused in the Dáil of being on a "direct collision course with the Protestant faith in this country" and of being "utterly insensitive" in his handling of the funding paid to voluntary Protestant schools.

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