Inquiry into school's principal drags on for four years []

An official inquiry into the performance of a principal in a 'crisis' school has dragged on for almost four years.

Principal Cathy McSorley has been allowed to remain in her post pending the outcome of the investigation, which started in February 2006.

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Explosion in student numbers to spark new fund crisis []

THE number of students going to college this year has exploded in the face of the recession -- meaning that a €500m funding shortfall is certain to rise. Enrolments have jumped by about 6-7pc on 2008, with two in three 18-year-olds signing up for third level.

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No agreement on redeploying 200 surplus teachers [Irish Examiner]

UP to 200 teachers who are surplus to sanctioned staffing numbers in second-level schools cannot be moved elsewhere because of failure by the Department of Education and unions to agree a redeployment scheme over the last three years.

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The Teaching Coucil Research Bursary Scheme 2010/2011 []

The fourth scheme of research bursaries was recently launched by the Teaching Council. The launch of the scheme marked World Teachers' Day, 05 October 2009*. The total amount available for the scheme is €100,000 and the majority of this (€75,000) will be reserved for registered teachers. The remainder will be available for persons other than registered teachers who are carrying out research in the area of teaching, learning and assessment. Bursaries will be subject to a maximum of €5000 each.

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Recruitment of Temporary/Substitute Teachers []

The Minister for Education and Science Batt O'Keefe TD, has issued an information note for primary and post-primary school authorities which encourages schools to give priority to qualified teachers and particularly newly or recently qualified teachers when making appointments for periods of substitution cover.

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