"Waiting more than two years just to get a design team" [Irish Examiner]

A KERRY school community is fuming no progress has been made on its new building project for more than two-and-a-half years while €112 million of school construction cash is unspent this year.

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Minister urged to use unspent €396m on school projects [Irish Times]

MINISTER FOR Education Batt O'Keeffe has been urged to give the go-ahead to essential capital projects in the school building programme after it emerged the Department of Education has yet to spend €396 million of its budget.

Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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Schools should reflect diversity [independent.ie]

Many people regard fee-paying schools as little better than profit-making businesses, like private hospitals, and see no reason why Protestants should be allowed to maintain their own schools outside the state sector.

Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Teachers to vote on industrial action [Irish Examiner]

The executive committee of the Teacher's Union of Ireland (TUI) has this afternoon decided to ballot members on industrial action.

The union represents more than 15,000 members in second level schools, further education colleges and Institutes of Technology

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Parents will have say in reporting schools [herald.ie]

PARENTS are to be given a central role in the assessment of their child's school, under plans being formulated by the Department of Education.

A shift in the relationship between schools, parents and pupils will also see more information being provided on the overall performance of teachers and principals.

Full Story: www.herald.ie

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