Classifying schools by fee income is fairest method []

LAST Sunday, Alan Ruddock made claims about my treatment of funding arrangements for Protestant schools which I consider grossly misrepresented my position.I strongly disagree that the changes the Government introduced in last year's Budget were discriminatory.

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A lesson in good teaching []

Sir -- It was with great concern and indeed anger that I read Emer O'Kelly's article in the Sunday Independent (October 4). I am a primary school teacher of 24 years and during those years I have met and worked with many professional teachers. I have yet to meet one who does not approach their job in a dedicated, committed, and professional capacity.

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Teachers unions call for "full reversal" of cutbacks []

The main teachers' unions have yesterday welcomed the reversal of some of the education cuts in the revised Programme for Government, but said that the sector was still underfunded.

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Major blow for education minister []

The scrapping of third-level fees and concessions on primary class sizes is a major blow for education minister Batt O'Keeffe, who has not been afraid to make unpopular decisions in the face of stiff opposition from the teachers' unions.

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'Self-learners' creating university of online]

A few months ago Daniel Conn was scouting the internet wondering how and where he might obtain a degree. At 26, having skipped university when he left school, he was, as he puts it, "a bit unsure of my study skills".

By chance he discovered a website called Open Learn, an offshoot of the Open University (OU), which is in the vanguard of a new era of education. Short-circuiting tuition fees and over-priced student flats, Open Learn offers expert material, accessible via the internet, free to anyone, anywhere.

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