Pupils asked to rate school in evaluation pilot scheme [independent.ie]

NOW students are being asked to say what they think about their secondary school.

They won't be able to rate their teachers individually but their answers will provide a good idea of what they really feel about their schooling experience.

Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Give schools resources [Irish Examiner]

IF Ireland is to get out of this recession and be competitive in the future it is very important that expenditure on education is both sufficient and efficient. Yet it is reported that only half of the budget earmarked for spending on educational infrastructure is spent.

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INTO must 'get real' on training [independent.ie]

In relation to the article entitled 'Quality not quantity of teachers is key to good education', why will the INTO not listen to the truth? How can they claim to get the 'right teachers'? They don't.

Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual teachers hold conference [Irish Examiner]

The first ever conference of lesbian, gay and bisexual primary school teachers is taking place in Dublin today.

It will hear that many lesbian, gay and bisexual teachers are afraid to come out as they feel it would affect promotion opportunities and even put their jobs at risk.

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Parents won't rate teachers in new school inspections [herald.ie]

TEACHERS will not have to worry about being graded by pupils or parents under new inspection plans being considered by the Department of Education.

A pilot inspection scheme under review by Batt O'Keeffe's office will see "short questionnaires for parents and students" being trialled -- but it will not be regarded as a rating system.

Full Story: www.herald.ie

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