Education becomes Ruairi Quinn’s new political football! []

EDUCATION is the new political football. Minister Ho Chi Quinn sent it rolling when he revealed to the nation the reason why Irish schools and colleges were producing illiterate scrotes who never got beyond the six-times tables and whose knowledge of English was limited to the information on the back of a Jackie Chan DVD.

It was because young people suffered from poor problem-solving capabilities and had little sense of innovation or creativity. Consequently, the country would never have a high performing managerial cadre!

Quinn, of course, was merely echoing an American Chamber of Commerce (Dublin branch) criticism of Irish education. The Yanks excoriated Irish schools for their reliance on rote learning which, they said, impeded the emergence of an ‘innovation-driven society’.

Having blasted Ireland with their educational cruise missile, they then entrusted the mopping up to their IBEC paddy-friends who pointed the finger of blame at teachers, schools, the Department of Education, the points system and crummy university courses that promoted the Humanities.


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And teachers still have the nerve to complain []

We may live in an age of lifelong learning but few of us will live long enough to familiarise ourselves with the full range of perks enjoyed by teachers. Last week, however, we were given a crash course.

First came the OECD report revealing that Irish teachers' salaries are among the highest in the world. The same research showed that the number of hours worked by secondary teachers is significantly lower than the OECD average.

Days later, we discovered yet another fun fact: teachers who get married are entitled to an extra seven days' leave to facilitate the wedding. And the explanation for this sweetheart deal? "While teachers' holidays are relatively good, they lack the flexibility that many other workers enjoy," explained a spokesperson for the Irish National Teachers' Organisation.


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Child Protection Training for Teachers []

The 1 Stop Training Shop is delighted to announce the launch of its specialised Child Protection Training Programme for Teachers.

Seeing the Signs - An Introduction to Child Protection (Level 1)
The child protection module is based on the 'Children First' National Guidelines and our duty to care, and include information from the latest published documents from the European Union.

The course will give teachers the opportunity to better understand their responsibilities in this area providing a useful insight into Child Protection legislation, reporting procedures, and safeguarding themselves.


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Bring back the cane to improve pupil discipline, say parents []

Half of parents in Britain believe that the cane should be reintroduced to restore order to the classroom, research suggests.

Some 49 per cent of mothers and fathers are in favour of corporal punishment to crack down on the worst offenders, it was revealed.

The vast majority of parents also want greater use of other back-to-basics discipline measures including detention, expulsion and forcing badly behaved children to write lines.

Even a fifth of secondary school pupils themselves support the reintroduction of caning or smacking.


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Chance to grow school choice ‘lost in boom’ [IrishExaminer]

THE opportunity to create a greater choice of schools for parents was lost during the boom, a Catholic education leader has claimed.

The Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector will report to Education Minister Ruairí Quinn later this year on how a greater choice of school types might be available to parents. A particular focus will be on areas where there is little or no choice outside the existing Catholic schools and insufficient population growth to warrant new schools being set up.

The Catholic bishops are patrons to almost 90% of the country’s 3,300 primary schools and have indicated a willingness to divest patronage where there is local demand and agreement.

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