Calls for Community National School in Kildare Town []

The CEO of Kildare VEC together with principals and representatives of Community National Schools will hold an open evening in the Parish Centre in Kildare Town on Monday the 26th of September at 7.30pm to discuss the possibility of a Community National School for the town.
The meeting comes following several representations by local public representatives, parents of young children in the area, and members of the community to have a new model of education which will cater for children of all beliefs and none.
Marianne Henry, Principal of Piper’s Hill Community National School will be one of the speakers on the night and will talk about the model of education offered by Community National Schools while Sean Ashe(Pictured), CEO of Kildare VEC will explain how the schools are operated under the patronage of Kildare VEC.


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Students lured by added value of oral Irish exam []

A new marking scheme for Junior and Leaving Certificate Irish was announced back in 2007 by the then Minister for Education Mary Hanafin. In that year, there were as few as 339 students taking the oral Irish test for the Junior Cert – which is an optional component of the overall examination.

The new plan was designed to give more weight to oral Irish in both Junior and Leaving Cert exams. The proportion of marks allocated for the oral component would be raised to 40 per cent of the overall grade in both Junior and Leacing Certs. (Previously, the allocation had been 20 per cent and 25 per cent for Junior and Leaving respectively.)

The new marking scheme, applied for the first time in Junior Cert 2010, saw a significant increase in that year in the number of students opting for the oral - up to 1687, with 54 schools participating.


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Minister Quinn establishes Student Grants Appeals Board []

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn TD, today established the inaugural Student Grants Appeals Board.

The Appeals Board was established under the Student Support Act 2011 and will be independent in the performance of its functions.

Its establishment will allow students that have applied for a grant under the 2011/12 student grant scheme and subsequent schemes to have any appeals determined by the Board.

Minister Quinn also announced appointments to the Board, which will comprise a Chairperson and six ordinary members all appointed in their individual capacity based on their knowledge and expertise.


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One-in-10 teens are victims of internet bullying []

CYBER-bullying has emerged as a major threat to teenagers with a new study revealing that one-in-10 Irish students admitted to having been targeted.

The study -- conducted across several Irish schools -- found that almost half of the students questioned had witnessed or heard of cyber-bullying taking place.

That is despite the publicity generated by the tragic stories of Cork schoolgirl Leanne Wolfe (18) and Clare teen Phoebe Prince (15).

Leanne Wolfe took her own life in 2007 after being subjected to years of vicious bullying -- including vile abuse over her mobile phone.

Phoebe Prince (15) hanged herself in January 2010 in South Hadley, Massachusetts, in the US, after she was bullied by fellow classmates, who posted vicious comments on social network sites.


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