E-Scéal 81: Call for Humanitarian Treatment of Children of Asylum Seekers

Call for Humanitarian Treatment of children of Asylum Seekers

IPPN calls upon the Irish Government, and in particular, the Department of Justice, to deal with the applications by immigrant families seeking leave to remain in Ireland on humanitarian grounds, in a common sense, respectful and decent manner.

IPPN also calls on the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform to immediately desist from the practice of deporting parents without their children. It is contrary to our traditions and values to deliberately act in a manner which has the direct consequence of breaking up the family unit. EU Directive on Refugee Status, article 23, maintains that the best interest of the child and the maintenance of family unity should be a primary consideration of member states

In addition, IPPN requests that Minister McDowell immediately exercises his power to give leave to remain in Ireland, families whose children have been attending school here for years and who are integrated successfully into the school and wider community.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 80: World Class Workshops for Irish School Leaders

Prof Michael Fullan Workshops take place in Cork, Galway and Dublin on May 9th, 10th & 12th respectively. Prof Fullan is an international expert on school leadership and managing educational change. Some comments from last year's participants:

  • 'Learned practical and positive leadership strategies'
  • 'I haven't learned so much in a day for a long, long time'
  • 'Gave me back some confidence in myself and confidence to deal with some problems in school'
  • 'Inspiring - you leave feeling 'Yes I can do some of this.'
  • 'Relevance in a time of great change in Irish education'
  • 'Superb day, brilliantly presented'

Following feedback from our membership survey last October, we have increased the number of Fullan Workshops from 2 to 3 and have changed their location to increase ease of access for the maximum number of Principals and Deputies.

Based on feedback from the Deputy Principals Seminar last year, it has been decided that Deputies would be invited to participate in the Michael Fullan workshops along with, or instead of their Principals. The idea that Principals and their Deputies engage in professional development together is considered better practice than separately organised training.

If you plan to attend one of these three workshops, please return your application form and cheque for €100 as soon as possible. Application forms are downloadable from the homepage of www.ippn.ie

Principals and/or Deputies wishing to attend must have the approval of their BoM / Chairperson. Unfortunately substitute cover is not available from the DES for these workshops.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell, Director
Irish Primary Principals' Network.

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E-Scéal 79: Funeral of Pope John Paul II - Arrangements for Schools

The Minister for Education & Science issued a statement this afternoon in relation to the closure of schools vis-a-vis the funeral of Pope John Paul II. The text of Minister Hanafin's statement is below.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell, Director
Irish Primary Principals' Network.

Funeral of Pope John Paul II - Arrangements for schools

The Minister for Education and Science Mary Hanafin T.D., today said that schools' Boards of Management, if they so wish, have the option of closing for the day of the funeral of Pope John Paul II.

This closure will be regarded as an exceptional closure and will not be required to be made up for purposes of the school year.

The Minister has asked if schools are exercising the option to close they should give the maximum possible notice to parents.

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E-Scéal 78: BoMs to have Ultimate Decision re School Opening / Closing

The issue of whether schools should remain open or closed on Catholic Church Holy Days has been clarified in a letter issued by Bishop Leo O'Reilly, Chairman of the Irish Bishops' Commission for Education received yesterday. IPPN met with the Bishops' Commission for Education in September 2004 at which this issue amongst others was discussed. Please bring this letter to the attention of the BoM, staff and Parents' Association of your school. The full text of this letter follows below.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell, Director
Irish Primary Principals' Network.

The Irish Episcopal Conference

16th March 2005

Mr Sean Cottrell
Irish Primary Principals' Network

Dear Sean

Re: Holy Days of Obligation

The Episcopal Conference at its recent meeting sought to clarify the relationship between the ethos of Catholic Schools in Ireland today and the observance of Holy Days of Obligation.

Holy Days of Obligation, which are days of special worship and celebration, are a valuable expression of the Ethos of a Catholic School.

It is therefore desirable that all Catholic Schools observe, as far as possible, the Holy Days of Obligation as they are entitled to do in accordance with the agreement reached with the education partners in March 2004.

Having consulted with the management Bodies of Catholic Primary and Post Primary schools, and the Religious Trustees, and in view of the variety of conditions which may affect schools in different areas and circumstances, the Bishops' Conference has decided that the ultimate decision about whether or not a school will remain closed on church Holy Days be made at Board of Management level in consultation with the Trustees/Patron of the School.This decision should also be made in consultation with other Boards of Management in the area.

Should a Catholic school decide to open for the instruction of pupils on Church Holy Days we encourage the school community to attend Mass within the school day where feasible. The opportunity should be availed of to provide good Catechesis for preparation and celebration of the feast. The National Catechetical Office will ensure the preparation of age appropriate materials for parish and school communities.

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

Leo O'Reilly
Bishop of Kilmore
Chairman, Irish Bishops Commission for Education.

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E-Scéal 77: IPPN Invited to make Submission on Reducing Principals' Workload

IPPN's views on reducing Principals' administrative workload are being sought by the DES. Minister Hanafin expressed her concern at the impact of recent legislation on schools when she addressed 750 principals at IPPN's Annual Conference last month. As you are aware, a comprehensive Survey of Principals Workload Issues was conducted by IPPN nationwide in October 04. The findings and recommendations of this survey are now being sent to the DES in response to a letter received from the Central Policy Unit today. I want to thank especially the 850 Principals who responded to our detailed survey. This research enables IPPN to provide a instant professional response to this initiative on addressing Principals' Workload.

The letter from the DES as well as an Executive Summary of IPPN's Workload Survey, can be viewed on the homepage of www.ippn.ie

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell, Director
Irish Primary Principals' Network.

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