E-Scéal 116: Distributed Leadership - One Day Conference

IPPN will host a One Day Conference on Tuesday, May 15th at the Tullamore Court Hotel. The theme for this year's event is Distributed Leadership, facilitated by Prof Jim Spillane.

Jim Spillane (Professor in Learning and Organisational Change at Northwestern University, Illinois), is a native of Bantry, Co Cork, and a graduate of St Pat's College & Michigan State University.

Prof Spillane is the leading expert in "Distributed Leadership," and will show how leadership happens in everyday practices in schools, through formal routines and informal interactions. He examines the distribution of leadership among the in-school management team, teachers and staff in the school, and explains the ways in which leadership practice is stretched over leaders, followers, and aspects of the situation, including routines and tools of various sorts within the school.

If you would like to attend this one day event, please print, complete and return the booking form below.

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Tomás O Slatara

Attendees will, on attending the workshop:

  • Understand what Distributed Leadership means
  • Be able to demonstrate how Distributed Leadership can be achieved in schools
  • Explore the benefits of Distributed Leadership
  • Know how to overcome the barriers that work against distributing leadership.

James Spillane, the leading expert in "Distributed Leadership," shows how leadership happens in everyday practices in schools, through formal routines and informal interactions. He examines the distribution of leadership among administrators, specialists, and teachers in the school, and explains the ways in which leadership practice is stretched over leaders, followers, and aspects of the situation, including routines and tools of various sorts in the organization such as memos, scheduling procedures, and evaluation protocols

Please note:

  • The fee for this seminar is €150 per attendee. This includes Refreshments and Lunch.
  • Registration: 8.30 am, Conference starts 9.30 am and ends at 4.30 pm.
  • A full programme will be e-mailed to each participant prior to Conference.
  • Send crossed cheque payable to IPPN to:
  • Distributed Leadership Conf, IPPN Support Office, Glounthaune, Co. Cork.
  • Places will be allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis.
School / Organisation Details
Attendee Details
Roll No:
First Name:
School / Org Name:
E-mail Address:
Work Telephone:

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E-Scéal 115: Distributed Leadership / Deputy Principals' Conference

A Chara,

IPPN's 4th Annual Conference for Deputy Principals' will take place on May 15th 2007 at the Tullamore Court Hotel,Co. Offaly. To register, please print the application form below and return it to IPPN's Support Office with the appropriate fee.

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Tomás O Slatara

DP Conference Application Form

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E-Sceal 114: Conference & Textasub

A Chara,

Fáilte ar ais agus ath-bhlian faoi shéan is faoi mhaise dhuit.

Conference 2007

Final arrangements for Killarney are underway and the event promises to be both stimulating and entertaining. We look forward to meeting many of you at Conference. Due to high demand, we have arranged with the hotel to increase capacity for workshops. If you would like to attend Conference, please contact the IPPN Support Office on 1890 21 22 23.


This service has proven to be an essential support for Principals in finding substitute teachers. The fact that it enables you to contact only those substitutes that are currently available is a major time-saver.

Recently we have learned that an individual falsely claiming to be a qualified teacher registered with TextaSub and responded to a call from a Principal. This raises the question about the verification and authenticity of anyone applying for work in a school. TextaSub is just another means of locating available teachers. Whether a Principal / Deputy Principal sources a substitute teacher through a newspaper advert, the local unemployment centre, Education Centre or a website, the responsibility to verify the qualifications and suitability of the individual candidate is the same.

IPPN's advice is that no matter how you find a substitute teacher (or indeed any staff member), you should request that a copy of their qualifications, accompanied by a passport, driving licence or other official photo-ID, be presented prior to commencing work. It is also reasonable to ask substitute teachers where they have worked recently so that an oral reference can be sought from those schools.

In summary, the Board of Management, through the Principal, is responsible for recruitment regardless of the means by which it is carried out. A clear disclaimer to this effect can be seen on www.textasub.ie.

Note: Section 30 of the Teaching Council Act 2001, when commenced, will make it obligatory for all teachers working in schools to be registered with the Council. As of now only new entrants to the profession are required to provide relevant details to employers. It is anticipated that section 30 will commence in 2007.

Meanwhile, TextaSub.ie has helped hundreds of Principals to find thousands of substitute teachers in the last three years. It takes three minutes to send out your message, giving you access to the substitute teachers currently available in your county. If you haven't availed of this service, which is free to IPPN members, check it out!

Is sinne le meas,

Tomás Ó Slatara, Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 113: Principals Caught in the Middle?

You may be aware from media reports last Friday that the INTO have requested teachers to be released from schools on Friday 9th December to take part in a National protest against the treatment of Irish Ferry employees.
To date, most schools have not been informed of the detail of this planned withdrawal of teachers from Primary schools. Inevitably, Principals will be at the centre of this situation whether it involves reorganising the care and supervision of children, reorganising school transport or seeking the permission of the BoM to close the school early etc.
It has not been decided yet by the DES whether permission will be given to teachers to leave school for this protest and whether or not teachers will lose pay for the day if they are not at work for the full day.
As soon as information becomes available, IPPN will issue a further E-scéal offering professional guidance to you on the management of this issue. Meanwhile, please send your views on the topic to networking@ippn.ie

Is mise le meas,
Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 112: SNA Substitution Records & RTE Programme

SNA Substitution Records

Quite a number of Principals have been in contact enquiring about the request from Padraig Maloney for information re SNAs who have substituted in your school since 2001. This has caused quite a bit of panic. I have spoken to Padraig and he has said that the critical issue is to send on details of any substitute SNAs in your school right now. If you do not have information about SNAs who subbed in your school in the past - just simply state that you do not have the information and that will suffice.

RTE's Seachtain Programme

Seachtain, is a bi-lingual regional news programme from RTÉ's Galway studios. Martina Williams, Principal, Dunamore NS, Carrick-on-Shannon was recently interviewed for the programme at her Leitrim school. It is hoped that the issue of One-Teacher Schools and the need of a second adult for these schools will be highlighted in the programme.
Seachtain will be broadcast on Sunday, November 27th at 5.30pm on RTE 1.
Is mise le meas

Seán Cottrell

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