E-Scéal 66: Beannachtaí na Nollag IPPN

On behalf of IPPN's Executive Committee, we wish you a happy, peaceful Christmas and a successful 2005. This year, instead of sending Christmas Cards, IPPN has made a donation to 'Bóthar' who will provide an East African family with an 'In-kid Goat' as a means of their gaining economic independence. Details of Bóthar's work can be found on www.bothar.ie.

We trust that you will appreciate this gesture as an alternative to receiving a traditional Christmas Card.

Nollaig Shona Dhuit

Virginia O'Mahony, President & Seán Cottrell, Director
Irish Primary Principals' Network.

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E-Scéal 65: Press Release - Risk Management Challenge for Principals

PRESS RELEASE - Risk Management challenge for Principals

Every school has a legal Duty of Care to its pupils. What this means is that the Board of Management, through its Principal and teachers must provide a level of supervision which is comparable to that provided by a reasonable parent. The level of supervision will be influenced by the age of the child and the nature of the school environment. Every school today has a code of behaviour incorporating a policy on Bullying Prevention. Such codes will have reasonable child appropriate sanctions up to and including suspensions.

However, the culture of a Primary School (given that it serves education within the compulsory age range) is to use suspension sparingly and only as a last and final resort. Because of the Duty of Care responsibility, a Principal will make every attempt to deploy strategies in collaboration with Parental Support to address the problem. Suspending a child is rarely a solution in itself and is often a symptom of failure to gain the support of parents.

If a child poses a tendency towards violence the Principal faces the dilemma of managing the behavioural problem within the school context or suspending the pupil. This is a classic risk management situation. Parental Support or the lack there of is fundamental to this decision. If schools are going to be the target of litigation arising from incidents between pupils, Principals will detect a greater sense of vulnerability and the likelihood is a trend in increased suspensions as a means of protecting from litigation.

In a case of repeated pupil violence, it must be recognised that schools operate within strict legal parameters which protect the rights of others.

The responsibility borne by parents in relation a child's behaviour must become the focus of any attempt to address this issue.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 64: Mobile Telephone Special Offer for Principals and Deputy Principals

You may be aware from recent correspondence to your school from 02 that they are offering a special mobile telephone tariff in favour of Principal Teachers. This scheme has now been extended to include Deputy Principals. Following an initial approach by 02 to IPPN outlining discounted mobile rates for our Members, IPPN agreed to support this offer and draw its attention to our Members.

Since the launch of this new mobile telephone offer, 02 have been overwhelmed with the volume of response. This has led to some problems, particularly people not being able to get through on the 1850 telephone number. In the interest of clarity please note the following points:

  1. There is no closing date on this particular mobile telephone offer.
  2. The initial terms and conditions required the mobile telephone in question be owned and paid for directly by the school. IPPN has now successfully negotiated with 02 modifying this particular term.
  3. The offer now covers mobile phones owned and registered by a principal/deputy principal; however the application and billing address must be that of the school. This ensures that there is a maximum of two beneficiaries of the scheme for any one school.
  4. In common with other discounted schemes offering preferential rates etc, payment for same is normally by direct debit.

Whilst IPPN supports this special offer from 02, it is nonetheless an 'offer' and the decision to undertake or reject rests entirely with you as an individual. However this scheme from 02 does appear to offer exceptional value.

Because of the generic nature of this promotion IPPN cannot become involved in advising individual members regarding its detail. In this regard I would appreciate if you would make all enquiries directly to 02 at 1850 200 148

02 are offering a 'lucky' Principal/Deputy Principal a complimentary skiing trip to Italy during the mid-term break in February. The winner will be drawn from all those who have signed up for 02's offer not later than January 14th 2005.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 63: Bursary for a Principal's Study Visit to Ontario

Following the success of last years experience IPPN is delighted to announce a bursary to the value of €5,000 for a principal's study visit to Ontario, Canada.

In collaboration with the Ontario Principals' Council, the successful principal will be enabled to visit a variety of primary schools over a three week period between March 1st and July 31st, 2005. The purpose of the visit is to enable a serving principal to examine and report on aspects of primary education in Ontario. The €5,000 bursary will cover the cost of flights, car hire, accommodation and insurance. The successful applicant will be responsible for all logistical planning and will furnish an agreed report within one month of returning.

This bursary will be awarded by an independent adjudicator based upon the quality of the study visits proposed. Full details pertaining to the study visit are contained in the proposal form. Principals wishing to apply should email the IPPN Support Office to request a Proposal Form not later than December 22nd, 2004. Completed proposals must be returned by e-mail attachment not later than January 10th, 2005. Each applicant is responsible for the successful arrival of his/her proposal form to the IPPN Support Office. The bursary award will be announced at IPPN Annual Conference 2005.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 62: Teaching Principals Managing Special Classes

IPPN wishes to hear from Teaching Principals in schools where there are special classes/units attached. Following a number of recent enquiries we are trying to establish the number of teaching Principals managing special classes.

Special classes require significant additional management support and in the case of teaching principals this requirement is adding to an existing level of overload. We hope to quantify the number of teaching principals in this situation and set about helping them to identify and address their priority issues.

If you are a teaching principal with a special class/unit in your school please e-mail the following information to IPPN Support Office.

Roll Number:
School Name:
Category of special class:

Thank you in anticipation
Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell

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