INEC Floor Plan 2022

INEC Floor Plan



Ciall Ceannaithe Online Summer Course

This online course offers convenient and practical professional development focused on the needs of school leaders. The course includes areas such as Sustainable Leadership and Dignity in the Workplace along with updates on Child Protection, Recruitment & Appointments, Wellbeing and Self Care.

New for this year, two Zoom calls will be scheduled during the month of July, so that participants can initiate conversations with course facilitators and each other.

Click here to find out more about the Ciall Ceannaithe Online Course

Book Grants 2022

The DE has announced that once-off funding is being made available to primary schools to purchase books, audio books and other media for the purposes of improving their existing literacy-resource banks.

The grant to schools will be paid in line with recognised pupil enrolment on 30 September 2021. The grant paid to primary schools with an enrolment of equal to or less than 60 pupils is based on a minimum enrolment of 60 pupils. The grant rate is €21 per pupil for all recognised primary schools. Schools are not required to apply for this grant funding as the grants are paid directly to schools.

The grant cannot be used for the purchase of textbooks or to supplement the book-grant funding currently provided annually.

Click here for more information on the Book Grants 2022

Click here for FSSU guidance on the Book Grants 2022

Regional Education and Language Teams (REALT)

Additional resources and supports are available to schools through REALT.  Regional Education and Language Teams (REALT) are hosted by the 16 regional education and training boards around Ireland and staffed by regionally based education support personnel.  The primary role of the REALT is to build on existing regional education support structures and the initial focus will be on assisting families in securing school places. REALT will also support schools in the area to meet the needs of these children as they emerge, to advise and support the Department of Education in developing new capacity where required, and to co-ordinate the provision of education services to schools and families across their defined area.  These teams will ensure that clear, accessible information flows are in place between schools, local education support services and national support structures in relation to people arriving from Ukraine.

Click here for email and phone contact details for REALT in the 16 ETBs and ETBIs

End of Year Reports

These days, teachers and principals will be signing off on end of year school reports to parents. A school report, when done well, should give an accurate statement of where the child is at, as regards their learning and development journey, as well as where they need to go ‘next’ to continue down that road.

It must be fair and kind to the child in the first instance. It should be such that when placed on the fridge door at home, or on Gran or Grandad’s fridge, they would be proud of it. It should of course be accurate and not ‘over-inflated’ so as not to cause difficulty for transfer to next year’s new class grade.
Some points to note:

  • Timeframe for issuing reports to parents – 16 June (suggested to give parents time to respond before school closure)
  • Utilise Leadership Team – Consider delegating report sign-off to other members of the ISM team. In larger schools, signing off on reports can be a time-consuming and onerous task. Consider involving other members of the leadership team to assist. They of course sign off in their own name.
  • NCCA New Templates for Reporting 

New end-of-year reporting templates are now available. These templates enable you to report on children’s learning needs and goals and show how children have progressed throughout the year.

“It’s ok to cheer for the kids who came in first, but make sure to stick around for those who finish last. They ran the race too!” - Anon

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