Staffing 2022/23 - Key Information Synopsis

Please see staffing 2022/23 key information synopsis

1. Circular 0025/2022 confirms a reduction in the primary staffing schedule by one point bringing class size to an average of 24 in mainstream classes, with lower thresholds applying in DEIS Band 1 schools.  

2. The Circular includes at Appendix C the allocation of NCSE hours on foot of the reprofiling of schools.

3. A separate Circular 0020/2022 outlines the basis for this allocation.

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Exhibitor Information 2022

Exhibitor Information 2022

External Research: Motivational factors influencing teachers to undertake a leadership role

Jacinta Boylan, currently teaching Senior Infants in Annyalla National School, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan, is undertaking a research project as part of her Master of Education (Education Leadership) under the supervision of Niamh Deignan, in the School of Education, NUI Galway. The project will ascertain the motivational factors that influence primary school teachers to undertake a leadership role. Principals and Deputy Principals are invited to participate in a short survey.

Click here to complete the survey 

See below the Participant Information Sheet and Electronic Consent. For any further information, contact Jacinta by telephone to 087 6269049 or by email to

Supports for Displaced Ukrainian Students – Have your say!

The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education is examining the key issues regarding ‘Education and Supports Provision for Displaced Ukrainian Students’. The committee has asked IPPN to make a written submission, and your input would be appreciated. They will be looking at four aspects of provision:

1. Curriculum
2. Language
3. Psychological supports
4. Other Issues

Please send us your comments and suggestions by email to by Friday 29 April.

Updating Aistear - Have your say!

The NCCA is consulting with parents, early years professionals, primary teachers and school leaders in relation to Aistear. IPPN has been asked to make a submission, by the end of April, in relation to the principles underpinning the early years framework, the themes of children’s learning and development, and the guidelines for good practice, as well as any overall observations. They have asked that what is working well with each of these elements (principles, themes, guidelines, overall) and what might need to be enhanced or updated be included in the submission.

Your feedback by email would be greatly appreciated to by Friday 29 April.

Aistear: the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework


The 12 Principles of early learning and development underpinning Aistear. Click here to view the principles.

Aistear presents children’s learning and development using four Themes. These are:

1. Well-being
2. Identity and Belonging
3. Communicating
4. Exploring and Thinking.

Guidelines for Good Practice

Aistear has four sets of guidelines, focusing on different aspects of practice:

1. Building partnerships between parents and practitioners
2. Learning and developing through interactions
3. Learning and developing through play
4. Supporting learning and development through assessment.

IPPN Sponsors

