IPPN Synopsis of Circular 0023/2015

  • Fixed –Term Contracts - All fixed-term contracts awarded to teachers must be terminated at the end of the 2014/2015 school year.  It is no longer at the discretion of the Board of Management (BoM) to roll over a teacher’s contract.  The teaching vacancy must be advertised by the BoM and normal recruitment procedures followed (Appendix D, Constitution of Board & Rules of Procedure, 2011). The teacher who held the relevant one year fixed-term contract in the 2014/15 school year must be notified by the BoM that the vacancy is being advertised and be provided with the details of the application process. 
  • Period for qualification of a CID Contract – The period for a teacher to be eligible for a CID contract has been reduced to a period of continuous employment in excess of two years with the same BoM
  • Eligibility Criteria – A teacher that is fully registered with the Teaching Council, has the required qualifications and is employed to cover a DES approved leave of absence may now be eligible to be awarded a CID contract.  The two approved leave of absences are confined to teachers that are covering (i) Career Break (ii) Secondments.  A teacher who acquires a CID as a result of covering for a teacher on career break or secondment will be placed on the relevant redeployment panel for redeployment immediately prior to the return of the teacher that s/he is covering for.
  • Hours & CID Contracts - The hours of the CID contract will be those hours for which the teacher was engaged on a fixed-term contract for the full school year prior to the issuing of the CID contract.  However, if a teacher has a part-time CID contract and the teacher is employed for additional hours, the qualifying period of continuous employment for a CID is based on those additional hours in a period of continuous employment in excess of one year.

What to do if you have a CID contract in your school?

  • The BoM must apply to the DES (Primary Payments) to have the teacher placed on the payroll as a teacher who is eligible for a CID
  • Application form to be completed by the BoM and the teacher and submitted to the DES
  • The school must also certify that the CID sought is in accordance with the terms of the circular
  • Where at the commencement of the 2015/16 school year, a teacher has entered into the third or more continuous year of employment, the teacher may be eligible to be considered for a CID rather than a further one year fixed term contract without further interview

Summer Works Scheme 2015

446 primary schools will receive funding from the €36 million DES investment for schools under the Summer Works Scheme to carry out small and medium sized works to their schools.  The scheme covers works such as window repair and replacement, upgrading of specialist rooms and external improvements such as upgrading of school perimeter fences and walls.

Click here to view a list of schools who will be receiving funding
Click here to view DES Press Release

DES Request

“The Department is seeking submissions on the co-ordination of services and future working arrangements between NCSE (including its Inclusion Support Service) and NEPS.

The Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan T.D., has announced the establishment within the National Council for Special Education of a new Inclusion Support Service to assist schools in supporting children with special educational needs. This service will include the Special Education Support Service (SESS), the National Behaviour Support Service (NBSS) and the Visiting Teacher Service for children who are deaf/hard of hearing and for children who are blind/visually impaired (VTSVHI) which until now have been managed by the Department. The Minister has also asked the Department to consider the potential for enhanced levels of coordination between the expanded NCSE and the National Educational Psychological Service. To this end submissions are sought from any interested stakeholders in relation to the issues by Friday, 13th of March. It should be borne in mind, when preparing a submission, that suggestions should be cost neutral.

Questions which submissions may wish to address include the following:

  • What co-ordination, structural or organisational changes – within existing resources – could be put in place to deliver a better service for students and schools?
  • From the point of view of the best service for students and schools, what do you consider to be the optimal working arrangements between the NCSE and NEPS at: (i) local level and/or (ii) at national level”

Deputy CEO Appointment

Applications are invited from experienced individuals who have already demonstrated leadership, senior management and strategic planning skills.

The successful candidate must be a principal teacher with at least 5 year’s experience in a school management and leadership role.

 The post holder will have:

  • excellent organisation, interpersonal, communication and media skills
  • the ability to work on their own initiative in a home base and as part of the National Support Office Team
  • to be in a position to work in the National Support Office up to two days per week or as required.

An application form and full job description are available from:
Mary Morley, Learn Your Living Consultants
Email: lyl.consultants@gmail.com

This is a 3 year fixed-term contract and the remuneration package will be commensurate with experience.

Interested candidates should apply via email enclosing the application form to:

The closing date for receipt of applications is close of business on Monday, February 2nd, 2015.

IPPN is an equal opportunities employer.


Nagle Research

If you have taken a career break and taught overseas for two years or more and are currently working in an Irish school for at least one full academic year, Mary would  appreciate if you would complete an online survey by December 22nd, 2014. Note: Responses will be anonymous, confidential and stored securely.  

Please click on this link to complete the survey

If you have any queries please email Mary at m.nagle4@nuigalway.ie.


IPPN Sponsors

