Head bullied me, claims teacher in fight for €38k [Herald.ie]

A teacher has told a judge he had to be treated for depression by his doctor as a result of bullying by the headmistress of his former school.

Robert Atkinson is suing Meanscoil Naomh Colm, Crumlin, Dublin, for up to €38,000 damages for personal injury as a result of treatment he alleges had been meted out to him before he eventually found a post elsewhere.

Barrister Tom Mallon, counsel for the school Board of Management, told the Circuit Civil Court he would be "challenging everything".


Full Story: www.herald.ie

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OECD recommends education cuts [Irish Times]

The Government should increase secondary school class sizes and introduce university fees to reduce public spending, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has recommended.

In a  report published today, the OECD argued for "better value-for-money in education spending" in what it described as an "over-expanded" public sector. It said Ireland could have reduced its education spending by 12 to 18 per cent in 2003 and still achieved the same outcomes.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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Primary teachers in no-win position [Fermanagh Herald]

IT'S not just the youngsters and their parents who have found themselves in limbo since the decision was taken to abandon the 11-Plus.

With only a few weeks to go the independent post-primary school selection tests organised by local grammar schools, teachers of P7 children have been under mounting pressure from all sides to the debate. While the official line is that teachers are not to coach children for the tests, it seems some are bowing to parental pressure and are coaching their classes outside school hours.


Full Story: www.nwipp-newspapers.com

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Are four-year-olds too young to start school? [Independent.ie]

It is one of the most significant education decisions a parent can make. What is the best age to send a young child to primary school?

Statistics from the Department of Education show that around half of Irish children start school at four, with most of the remainder starting at five.

Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Think Before You Click [Irish Times]

The rise of Bebo, Facebook and other social networking sites has made online privacy a major concern for parents and teachers alike.

Developed by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties and the National Centre for Technology in Education, Think Before You Click is a new teaching resource for the Junior Certificate civic, social and political education curriculum, empowering students to be effective, safe and autonomous users of the internet and other new media. It’s currently being rolled out to second-level schools nationwide. Although intended for inclusion in the junior cycle, savvy transition year teachers may find this resource of use for the current group of fourth-years.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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