Sex equality guide issued to schools [Irish Times]

The most common age for a lesbian, gay or transgender young person to become aware of their sexual identity is 12, while they are most vulnerable to self-harm at the age of 16, a new guide issued to schools today shows.

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Teachers welcome education measures [Irish Times]

TEACHER UNIONS: THE INTO has described the education measures outlined in the Programme for Government as a "genuine attempt'' to protect primary education in a very difficult economic environment.

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New inspection system for schools [Irish Times]

THE DEPARTMENT of Education has moved to reassure teachers and school principals about a new inspection system which gives a wider role to parents and students.

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Cuts to Protestant schools [Irish Times]

I would hope we could at least agree that the sudden imposition of mid-term cuts on the education sector as a whole, when budgets and charges have been settled for the year, is grossly unfair and that severe extra cuts applied to the Protestant sector alone are reprehensible.

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Greens make "universal broadband" a key provision of Govt deal [Silicon Republic]

Broadband to every home in Ireland by 2012 and 100Mbps broadband to every school in the country by 2010 are understood to be among the key conditions for staying in Government voted on by members of the Green party at the weekend.

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