Washing hands with hot water not necessary, schools are told [Independent.ie]

SCHOOLS have been advised that hand-washing with hot water is not necessary in the battle against swine flu as they prepare to re-open their doors to about 800,000 pupils next week. With many schools functioning with only cold water, it was a major concern in light of advice earlier in the summer that hot water hand-washing was essential.

It was among the issues raised in a meeting between the Department of Education and the Irish National teachers Organisation (INTO) to discuss the swine flu threat. The importance of good basic hygiene was stressed at the meeting.

Full Story: http://www.independent.ie/

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This School Year and H1N1 [ASCD]

* Useful international resources which may prove useful

ASCD has long recognized that student health and learning go hand in hand, and the H1N1 flu pandemic has made this connection even more apparent. That's why we've created this Web page to be your definitive source on the H1N1 virus as the school year begins.

On this site you'll find a variety of resources and information from ASCD, the U.S. Department of Education, and others to keep you informed about the latest H1N1 developments and help you minimize the virus's effect on your students' learning. We will continually update this page with more resources as they become available.

Full Story: http://www.ascd.org/research_a_topic/h1n1response.aspx

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Staffing concerns over swine flu leave at schools [IrishExaminer.ie]

SCHOOLS could face staffing difficulties if they are not allowed to bring in substitutes for teachers out sick with suspected swine flu, second level principals have claimed.

Despite some public concern about schools reopening, the HSE said yesterday that there is no reasons why they should not operate as normal and it is working with the Department of Education to finalise advice to schools.

But, with dozens of the country's 730 second-level schools due to open next week, the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD) said it needs to clarify issues around sick leave certification with the Department of Education.

Cutbacks in place since January have restricted the amount of substitution the department will pay for schools to cover uncertified sick leave and official school business, but teachers may be unable to get a doctor's certificate if they follow medical advice to avoid surgery visits if they have flu symptoms.

Full Story: http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/staffing-concerns-over-swine-flu-leave-at-schools-99001.html

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Swine Flu Meeting INTO / DES

Statement by Maire Ni Chuinneagain, INTO President, on Swine Flu - INTO describes meeting with Department officials as very productive.

The INTO described its meeting with the Department of Education and Science today on swine flu as very productive. President of the primary teachers' union, Maire Ni Chuinneagain said the meeting clarified issues raised by the INTO. She said she expected all primary schools to open as planned in the coming days.

Advice to schools is available on a number of websites (www.education.ie, www.cpsma.ie, www.swineflu.ie, www.dohc.ie). A further letter will be sent to schools by the Department next week which will inform all schools where this information is available. This information will be updated as often as necessary.

Full Story: http://www.into.ie/ROI/NewsEvents/PressReleases/Title,13064,en.php

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Swine Flu Information for Schools [IPPN]

The spread of the A(H1N1) influenza continues worldwide. It will undoubtedly be an issue for schools when children return from holiday in the coming weeks. The DES has provided an Information Sheet for schools which you can access here, together with the guidelines which have been designed by the Department of Health and Children and the HSE.

Relevant HSE downloads for schools/employers are also available here:

Full Story: http://www.ippn.ie/

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