End of 'grade inflation' as fewer get top marks [Independent.ie]

THE number of pupils scoring the top Leaving Cert grades have fallen for the first time in years, results out today will show. The rise and rise of top grades at higher level has been arrested, and there is a slight downturn this year. The trend is most apparent in the number of As awarded, especially at A1 level, with a knock-on impact expected on CAO college-entry points

Full Story:http://www.independent.ie/

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Substitute cover for registered teachers employed in Primary Schools - Arrangements for the 2009/2010 School Year [DES Circular 0045/2009]

The Office of Emergency Planning is responsible for providing co-ordination and oversight in respect of all emergency plans at local, national and regional level. In the case of most emergency plans, including emergencies arising from industrial action in the emergency services and vital utilities, the Defence Forces and Civil Defence Branch are identified as key support agencies providing vital assets, personnel, skills and capabilities.

Full Circular: http://www.education.ie/servlet/blobservlet/cl0045_2009.doc

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What Does It Mean to be a Highly Effective Educator? [ASCD]

ASCD held a briefing on Capitol Hill on July 14, 2009, for educators and the staffs of congressional offices about how teachers and school leaders can foster and measure teacher effectiveness through federal policies and existing professional development activities.

ASCD's panel of experts discussed the policies and practices necessary to transform highly qualified teachers into highly effective teachers, including the best strategies and practices to develop, support, and evaluate highly effective teachers and—most critically—ways to help struggling teachers improve. You can review the slides from their presentations below.

Full Story: http://www.ascd.org/public_policy/Highly_Effective_Educators.aspx

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Is the summer bad for your child's brain? [TimesOnline.com]

It would seem so, according to new research, and it's really not that surprising. Wouldn't any of us suffer if we had six to eight weeks off work?

The research, from Johns Hopkins University, suggests that schoolchildren lose an average of two months learning over the summer holidays - if their parents fail to keep them "mentally active." They say that research spanning over 100 years shows that "students typically score lower on standardised tests at the end of summer vacation than they do on the same tests at the beginning of the summer."

Full Story: http://timesonline.typepad.com/

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Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Information [swineflu.ie]

Since July 16th 2009, GPs are only prescribing antiviral medication on the basis of a range of clinical and other features, to certain categories of patients suspected of having Pandemic (H1N1) 2009. As most patients will have relatively mild symptoms, they will not need any antiviral medication and will recover by staying at home (to prevent spreading infection to others), drinking plenty of fluids and taking paracetamol regularly to relieve their symptoms.

This approach to managing the current influenza situation is being adopted in many countries that are experiencing increased cases of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009. It is important to remember that the vast majority of cases that have been seen so far are mild with many cases possibly unaware that they have been infected.

Full Story (including info sheets): http://www.swineflu.ie/

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