PPDS Support for 2009-2010 [PPDS]

Click to apply for support for 2009/2010!

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The Nintendo DS and Wii in the Classroom [CESI]

Author: Ban Ryan

My use of the Nintendo DS in the classroom came about as a result of an off-the-cuff remark from a restless child in one of my group math sessions with some SEN children. The children in question, although well behaved, found it hard to sit and concentrate for any length of time and rarely completed activities without constant reminders to stay on task. I had tried many of my usually successful strategies to motivate with little or no success and then one day, earlier this year, came the break-through.

full story: http://cesi.ie/node/220

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National Institute for Intellectual Disability Summer School [TCD.ie]

The 1st NIID Summer School took place from Monday 27th- Wednesday 29th July, 2009 in Trinity College Dublin. The 3-Day school was the first of its kind here in Ireland. In a move away from the more 'conference' type proceedings, delegates were invited to spend the full 3 days of the summer school in one workshop, therefore cultivating a deep knowledge of one particular topic.

The school was attended by over 160 people, spread across 7 workshops. These workshops were facilitated by both internationally renowned researchers and activists in the field of intellectual disabilities, and also the staff of the NIID.

Full Story: http://www.tcd.ie/niid/news/Summer%20School%20report.php

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In a Digital Future, Textbooks Are History [NYTimes.com]

At Empire High School in Vail, Ariz., students use computers provided by the school to get their lessons, do their homework and hear podcasts of their teachers' science lectures.

Down the road, at Cienega High School, students who own laptops can register for "digital sections" of several English, history and science classes.

Full Story: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/09/education/09textbook.html?_r=1&ref=education

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NCCA submission to the National Strategy for Higher Education [NCCA.ie]

Read the NCCA submission to the National Strategy for Higher Education. It suggests some ways to improve the learner's transition from post-primary to higher education and looks at the relationship between the points system and learning in senior cycle. The submission can be viewed at the following link: http://www.ncca.ie/en/NCCA_submission_to_the_National_Strategy_for_Higher_Education.pdf

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