Unions say plan will not work if teachers cut [IrishTimes]

REACTION: THE NATIONAL Literacy and Numeracy Strategy will cost €6 million next year, rising to €19 million by 2017 but funding will have to come from existing resources.

Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn said, however, that the education budget was “vast” and “we can find €19 million out of €8 billion. We will reduce and have to take from here and there.”

Pressed about cutbacks in special needs assistants and plans by the technical group of TDs to establish a group to oppose this, Mr Quinn called on them to set up a group that would support literacy and numeracy among children. The Minister said the State did not have control of its own cheque book.

The Irish National Teachers Organisation, which represents primary teachers, said the Coalition’s commitment to literacy and numeracy would be seen in the next budget. “If teacher numbers are cut then this plan is not worth the paper it is written on,” said general secretary Sheila Nunan.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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Eighty per cent of parents worried about school costs [thejournal.ie]

EIGHTY PER CENT of parents are worried the costs of sending their children to school this September.

And new research on behalf of the National Consumer Agency also shows that 74 per cent of parents of children (in both primary and secondary school) are more concerned about back to school costs this year than they were last year.

Almost half (48 per cent) of those worried about the costs said that this was because their income was less than it had been the previous year.

Meanwhile, more than a quarter (26 per cent) of parents said they don’t budget for the new school year, and 49 per cent encounter ‘unforeseen payments’ such as school donations.


Full Story: www.thejournal.ie

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Minister Quinn Launches National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy [merrionstreet.ie]

A wide ranging new strategy aimed at ensuring that every child leaves school having mastered literacy and numeracy is being launched today (Friday 8th July 2011) by Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D.

Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life, the National Strategy to improve literacy and numeracy among children and young people is a key pillar of the Programme for Government.

Speaking at the launch, Minister Quinn said “It is the government’s belief that no child should leave school unable to read and write and use mathematics to solve problems. We know that there is currently much room for improvement and this strategy sets out the road map with concrete targets and reforms that will ensure our children, from early childhood to the end of second level, master these key skills.”


Full Story: www.merrionstreet.ie

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51 extra schools added to Summer Work Scheme [IrishExaminer]

MORE than 50 schools have been added to the Department of Education’s Summer Works Scheme for a range of repairs and other projects to be carried out during the school holidays.

Education Minister Ruairí Quinn has secured almost €5 million, in addition to the €71m already allocated to the scheme, bringing the total number of schools to benefit to almost 880.

The Irish Examiner has learned that 40 primary and 11 second-level schools who appealed their exclusion from earlier phases of the scheme, will find out today that their appeals have been successful.

They include nine Dublin schools, six in Galway and five in Wexford.

Full Story: www.examiner.ie

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Literacy and Numeracy For Learning and Life

The DES launched Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life on Friday 8 July 2011. 

Click here to view DES Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life Strategy


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