E-Scéal 121: Order your Free Desk Diary & Special IPPN Offers

Principals' Desk Diary

Based on your feedback, IPPN has refined the Principals' Information Management System (PIMS). The 2007/2008 version contains a new calendar, diary pages, templates for planning &administrative tasks and key contact details. If you want to receive your free PIMS desk diary, you must order it by the end of June by:

  • returning the postcard issued with Issue 39 of Leadership+
  • replying to this email - state your name and school role number
  • telephoning the Support Office on 1890 21 22 23.


This alternative telephone landline service is a genuine opportunity to save your school significant costs - 23% on average. This offer has been negotiated by IPPN on your behalf. Call 1800 905 032 for further information.


Would you like to halve the cost of your mobile phone bill each month? Mobile+ is an exclusive offer for Principals negotiated on your behalf by IPPN. Enquire about switching to Mobile+ by calling 086 1212422 or call into any 3G Store nationwide.

Promethean interactive whiteboards

If you are planning to invest in ICT for your school, consider the option of interactive whiteboards as demonstrated at IPPN's Conference in Killarney. ACTIVboard+2 is the number one integrated interactive whiteboard solution for Irish primary schools supplied by Prim-Ed. Please contact 051 440087 or e-mail info@prometheanireland.ie.


Are you thinking of including a weatherproof jacket as part of the school uniform? IPPN has worked with Azzurri to research and design a high quality, waterproof and affordable all-purpose Jacket with subtle safety features. Known as the Zuri, it is available in a range of colours with school crests added free of charge. Enquiries to 1800 380 980.

Pupil Personal Accident Insurance

The most effective strategy you can take to reduce / eliminate litigation against your school is to implement the Pupil Personal Accident Insurance scheme. Options include school-time and 24-hour cover. In the event of an accident, parents no longer need to sue the school for negligence as they can claim directly from this scheme. IPPN has negotiated a 20% discount with Allianz on policies in this scheme when arranged online at www.allianz.ie/schools. Enquiries to 01 6133966.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 120: Primary SMS - IPPN Response to Members' Concerns

In the last few days, the IPPN Support Office has received a number of concerned queries about a service called Primary SMS which enables schools to send text messages to parents. The service provided by Primary SMS costs 30c per message to parents to receive texts - five times more expensive than textaparent.ie - plus a 'membership fee' of €1 per month per family! There is also considerable additional administration for schools required by this company.

As you are aware, www.textaparent.ie is a service that IPPN has researched and designed for primary schools in Ireland and is currently being used by approx. 750 schools. Each text sent through textaparent.ie costs just 6c and there are no charges for parents to receive texts, nor are there any administration fees. IPPN is critically aware of the importance in providing high quality and cost-effective services to you, our members. Textaparent.ie, like textasub.ie and educationposts.ie, is technically superior and less expensive than any other SMS service available in Ireland. So much so that a growing number of state agencies, commercial companies and non-educational organisations are availing of textaparent.ie to send bulk text messages to their staff and clients.

If you are interested in sending text messages to groups of people, e.g. parents of a particular class, parents of all pupils, members of the Board of Management or indeed your staff, take a look at textaparent.ie or telephone the IPPN Support Office on 1890 21 22 23.

As with everything else IPPN does, the quality of services provided is constantly under review and we depend on your feedback and ideas to help us continuously improve. Feedback on textaparent.ie and any other IPPN services can be sent to support@ippn.ie

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 119: IPPN Research Bursary 2007

We are delighted to announce details of the IPPN Research Bursary for 2007. This is our 4th Annual Research Bursary for school leaders and this year we are broadening the nomination process to allow peer nominations. This means that if you are not eager to put yourself forward for a Bursary, you have the opportunity to nominate another IPPN member whom you believe to be worthy of the opportunity.

Key Points to Consider

1. Can you identify some aspect of School Leadership, Management or Administration worthy of research which if developed and shared would benefit IPPN and colleagues in other schools?
2. Is there an area in which you have a special interest and have developed good practice?
3. Is there someone you know who is an exponent of good practice and whom you feel should be given the opportunity to document and share their knowledge & skills?

Would 15 days substitute cover and €5000 help? This is your chance!

Bursary Details

  • There are 2 Bursaries on offer, each to the value of €5,000 and including 15 days substitute cover
  • Candidates for the 2007 Bursary Competition can be nominated by a colleague or by self nomination using the attached form
  • In the case of a peer nomination, you must have the nominee's signature indicating their agreement to be nominated
Each candidate's nomination should contain a brief outline of a research topic proposal based on their area of knowledge / good practice
In addition to the research project, the Bursary Awardees will also undertake a one week Study Visit to Finland between September and December 2007
  • The 2 Bursaries will be awarded following independent adjudication
  • Nominations must be submitted using the attached form to info@ippn.ie not later than Friday, June 22nd 2007
The successful candidates will be notified by July 20th 2007

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Tomas O Slatara

Application Form for IPPN Bursary 2007

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E-Scéal 118: Appointment of IPPN Assistant Director

We are delighted to inform you that Virginia O'Mahony, Principal of Scoil Chaitríona Senior, Renmore, Galway, has been appointed by IPPN as Assistant Director for Membership Services.

Virginia is a founding member and former President of IPPN. Her experience and track record of commitment to the professional development of school leaders will greatly enhance IPPN's range and quality of membership services.

We thank all those who applied for the position. It is encouraging to know that there is such keen interest and commitment to achieving the agreed vision and aims of IPPN as the professional association for primary school leaders.

In taking on this new role with IPPN, Virginia will be resigning from her post as Principal of Scoil Chaitrí­ona Snr., in Galway, where she has served as a teacher since 1975 and led the school as Principal since 1993.

We wish her every success as she takes up her new appointment from September 1st 2007.

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell & Tomás O Slatara

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E-Scéal 117: Benchmarking for Principals & Class Allocation

A Chara
Every year, the month of May presents Principals with the challenge of allocating classes to teachers. There are few aspects of the role of Principal where the opportunity for 'fall-out' is greater. Every member of staff knows the complexity of the Principal's task yet often staff are unhappy with the decisions the Principal has made. There are so many factors to be taken on board - teaching styles, teaching abilities, personalities, preferences, childrens' learning needs, continuity, career opportunity, fairness, staff rotation, size of calsses, special needs, teachers' health / wellness, the Teaching Principal, team work ... and many more. So, how to carry out this essential function of the Principal with the greater good of the entire school in mind? Based on experience and knowledge gathered over the last few years, this E-scéal contains links to five key resources for Principals to assist with the process of class allocation. Go n-eirí­ leat leis an saothair tábhachtach seo. IPPN Professional Guidance re Class Allocation Who picks the Team Class Preference Sheet for Teachers Education Act 1998 Ref to Principal Teachers (Summary) Interview of 2 Galway Principals on the Topic of Class Allocation & Best Practice (Podcast)

Benchmarking for Principals

We are indeed delighted that principals' pay and working conditions featured so prominently over the Easter break. Following the in-depth research and professional evaluation of principalship presented in the IPPN publication 'Investing in School Leadership', it is heartening that this issue is being afforded the prominence it deserves and has moved to a higher place on the agenda. The crisis around the recruitment and retention of school leaders, put clearly on the agenda both nationally and internationally by IPPN, now appears to be accepted as a reality by others. It would appear that we can be confident that principals' pay will have a more coherent focus in the coming months in the lead up to Benchmarking. This has to be welcome news for principals and, hopefully, the Benchmarking process will produce a positive response. The basic tenet of the IPPN leadership vision "Quality Leadership - Quality Learning" may at last have taken hold where it counts. Principals must wonder what is really happening when a clear, logical, reasoned and reasonable case for the proper financial reward of principals attracts such knee-jerk criticism. Is sinne le meas
Seán Cottrell & Tomás O Slatara

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