E-Scéal 136: IPPN Conference 2008

Conference preparations are well underway. In response to feedback from last year's attendees there will be a number of changes to this year's conference format. Please note the following:

1.IPPN has secured two days (Thursday & Friday) sub cover for Teaching Principals. No sub cover is available to Administrative Principals.

2. Conference 2008 dates are Thursday - January 31st, Friday - February 1st and Saturday - February 2nd.

3. Draft Timetable:

Thursday January 31st

9am Conference Registration
10am Exhibition Viewing
1pm Conference Opens
6pm President's Reception

Friday, February 1st

9am Conference Recommences
8pm Gala Dinner

Saturday, February 2nd

9.30 Conference Recommences
12.30 Conference Ends

4. Accommodation
Accommodation is available through the Gleneagle Central Reservations office on 064 71550 at the following Rates:

Brehon Hotel  Booked Out
Gleneagle Hotel

Double Occupancy - €50 per Room per night
Single Occupancy - €119 per Room per night
Riverside Apartments (sleeps 1 - 4) €220.00 per night (breakfast at Gleneagle Hotel

5. Conference Application Forms were issued to all schools in late November. The form can also be downloaded by clicking here.

To date over 600 Principals applications have been received at the IPPN Support Office. Note that, due to capacity constraints, workshop places are limited. Those applying after the 7th December are not guaranteed workshop attendance.

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E-Scéal 135: Conference 2008 - Application Forms

Conference 2008 will be held at the Irish National Events Centre (INEC), Killarney, Co. Kerry from Thursday 31st January to Saturday 2nd February 2008. The theme of this year's conference is Primary Schools - A Time for Fresh Thinking.

We have an excellent line-up of speakers including:

  • President Mary McAleese
  • Professor Tom Collins
  • Mary Hanafin, TD, Minister for Education & Science
  • David Ruddy, BL
  • Caoimhe Máirtí­n

In addition there will be nine different workshops, each offered on 3 occasions.

We are looking forward to welcoming more Teaching Principals this year, as we have secured 2 days substitute cover from the DES for Teaching Principals to attend the Conference.

You may now apply for Conference by downloading the application form from the IPPN website by clicking on the link below. Hardcopy application forms will be sent to all Principals early next week. Please note that Conference bookings are accepted from 07/08 IPPN members only and are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Accommodation can be reserved through Gleneagle Hotel Central Reservations 064 71550.

Conference 2008 Application Form

Is sinne le meas,

Larry Fleming | Seán Cottrell

President | Director

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E-Scéal 134: Conference 2008 - Conference Brochure Inputs

Dear member,

We are currently preparing the Conference 2008 brochure which will be given to all Principals attending the event in Killarney. This year we are planning to include examples of children's creative writing in the brochure and we are looking for your help.

The suggestion is that you invite children in the middle to senior classes of your school to write a short, humorous piece based on one of the following titles:

  • Our Principal
  • What our Principal does
  • What all the Principals do when they go to their Conference
  • I want to be a Principal because...

    Please note that this is not a competition and we are giving maximum freedom for the subject matter. We hope that the children's writing will offer a very different and humorous insight into the role of Principal. We will leave it entirely up to yourself and your teachers to decide which pieces are to be submitted from your school.

    We look forward to receiving a few samples of your children's writing (with child's names, class and school name on each piece) no later than Friday 7th December 2007 to 'IPPN Support Office', Glounthaune, Co. Cork or by email to project@ippn.ie.

Naturally if we have a significant number of contributions, only a few can be selected by the Conference Committee for this publication. Others may be used in future editions of Leadership+.

Le meas,

Virginia O'Mahony Assistant Director

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E-Scéal 133: Establishing New Boards of Management 2007

Hopefully the process of establishing your school's new Board of Management is well under way. Before the midterm break the Principal Advice service coordinated by IPPN Support Office was extremely busy with requests for information and guidelines on various matters relating to the new BoMs.

The DES, in consultation with the Education Partners, has produced an updated version of the Constitution of Boards and Rules of Procedure for Boards of Management. In addition, a further Information Manual has been produced offering practical guidance in relation to the creation and function of the new Boards.

Unfortunately these two important and essential documents will not reach schools for sometime yet. Both documents are available on the Department of Education website and, for your convenience, IPPN has arranged with the DES to make them easily accessible through our own website.

While acknowledging the Principal does not carry responsibility for the establishment of a school's BoM, in real terms many Chairpersons depend on you, the Principal, for information and advice.  It is important to note that there are several minor but significant changes to procedures for establishing new BoMs and we strongly recommend that you are familiar with and have access to these two key documents.

Is muidne le meas,

Larry Fleming, Seán Cottrell

Click here to download Constitution of Boards and Rules of Procedure and Information Manual for new Boards of Management

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E-Scéal 132: Commercialism in Primary Schools

IPPN is supporting a one-day conference on commercialism in Irish education in Trinity College Dublin on Saturday 17th November 2007. "Education: Whose Business is it Anyway?" will feature speakers from all areas of Irish education with the keynote address being given by Prof Alex Molnar of Arizona State University.

Many in the educational community are concerned about the effects of supermarket voucher schemes in primary schools, junk food vending machines in PPP secondary schools and an increasing dependency on corporate funding in Higher Education. This conference will highlight the dangers for education in following a commercial agenda and explore positive responses from educators, parents and students to this trend.

To better understand principals' experiences and perspectives on this issue, we would ask you to complete our short on-line survey - click here to visit our survey

To register for this conference please visit www.commercialfreeeducation.com

Is sinne le meas,

Larry Fleming | Seán Cottrell

President | Director

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IPPN Sponsors

