O'Keeffe calls for mandatory schools Stay Safe programme [IrishTimes]

THE MINISTER for Education has signalled that the Stay Safe child protection programme should be mandatory in all schools.

Batt O’Keeffe said last night it was his intention to have the programme included as a mandatory requirement for all schools as part of new arrangements which emerge from a working party, currently examining child protection in schools.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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All schools to teach Stay Safe programme [IrishExaminer]

ALL primary schools are to be required to teach a self- protection programme that helps pupils recognise and avoid abusive situations.

Education Minister Batt O’Keeffe has indicated he will make the Stay Safe programme – already taught in up to 85% of the country’s 3,300 primary schools – made mandatory as part of revised child protection guidelines for schools.

Full Story: www.irishexaminer.com

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Nearly half of schools to remain shut in big freeze [IrishExaminer]

CHILDREN from around half the country’s 4,000 schools are getting an extended Christmas holiday because of the freezing weather, which may also cause childcare and transport headaches for working parents.

The majority of the schools that are unable to reopen this morning are in rural areas and most will stay closed until Monday, in many cases due to burst pipes or problems with heating systems.

Full Story: www.irishexaminer.com

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Safety concern extends break for thousands of pupils [IrishTimes]

HUNDREDS OF schools will not reopen after the Christmas holidays today because of the hazardous weather conditions.

Some schools texted parents to say they would not be reopening while others used radio stations to pass on the message.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com

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Job-loss fears hit teachers volunteering for third-world [Independent.ie]

A fall-off in the number of primary teachers volunteering for service in developing countries has been attributed to fears about losing jobs and work-related benefits at home.

Now, an urgent recruitment drive is under way with an assurance to teachers that pensions, PRSI and salary increments are covered while they serve overseas, and that their jobs will be there for them when they return.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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