Statement by the Department of Education and Science on the planned re-opening of schools this week []

In relation to the planned re-opening of schools this week against the backdrop of bad weather conditions, the Department wishes to clarify that it is a matter for individual boards of management to decide whether local weather and road conditions warrant the closure of a school.

In making these decisions, schools should consider such issues as access and safety.


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US firms call for overhaul of Irish education []

AMERICAN multinational employers have delivered a stinging attack on the Irish education system and called for a fundamental change to the Leaving Certificate points system.

The US companies want problem-solving capabilities rewarded in the exam to encourage the innovation and creativity needed in the economy.


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Weather delay for school bus service [IrishExaminer]

DECISIONS on whether school bus services will resume for the reopening of classes on Thursday are not likely to be made until tomorrow at the earliest.

Dozens of schools were already forced to remain closed due to icy roads in the week before Christmas, mostly in the west and northwest. And the continuing freezing conditions could lead to a repeat event later this week.

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Minister O'Keeffe announces free online encyclopedias for 4,000 schools []

The country's 4,000 schools are to get free access to online versions of the popular Encyclopedia Britannica and World Book as part of an e-Learning initiative announced today  by the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD.

The online encyclopedias use text, video clips, three-dimensional simulations, research aids and other new media in presenting information to students.

Announcing the online move, Minister O'Keeffe said: 'Making these encyclopedias available online to schools free of charge demonstrates our commitment to providing digital reference content to teachers and students in a way that encourages learning through technology.


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Schools expected to open despite weather []

The management body representing most of Ireland's primary schools has said it expects the majority of schools to open as normal on Thursday despite the weather conditions.

The Catholic Primary School Management Association has said schools will only close if it is impossible for them to do otherwise.


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