O'Keeffe accused as school scheme delayed [IrishTimes.com]

MINISTER FOR Education Batt O’Keeffe has blamed new contracting procedures for a delay in proceeding with promised new school-building projects.

Less than 10 per cent of the school-building projects promised by the Minister almost a year ago have been completed, according to information supplied to Fine Gael in a written parliamentary answer.

Of the 78 school projects the Minister approved last year for tender and construction, seven have been completed. According to the Department of Education, 21 are under construction, 30 are at the tendering stage and the remaining 20 are “pre-tender”.


Full Story: http://www.irishtimes.com

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Two thirds of school projects promised for 2009 haven’t even begun construction [FineGael.ie]

Last year, Education Minister Batt O’Keffe attempted to garner a huge amount of attention over his announcement that 78 school projects would commence construction in 2009 but information released to Fine Gael Education Spokesman, Brian Hayes TD shows that two-thirds of these have not even begun construction.


Full Story: http://www.finegael.org

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Water shortages and icy roads [Independent.ie]

WATER rationing and treacherous road conditions combined to make it a difficult start to the New Year in many parts of the country.

North and North-West

Tankers were laid on at four locations across Co Leitrim yesterday as council staff battled against burst pipes and leakages in the most prolonged freezing spell for decades.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Pupils face prospect of teacher protests [Independent.ie]

PUPILS are returning to the threat of disruption in schools in coming months as teachers protest over pay and pensions.

There is no immediate risk of school closures due to strike action, but teachers will refuse to cooperate in a number of key areas.

Pupils will suffer in lost tuition time as teachers insist on all meetings with parents and on school planning issues taking place within normal class hours.


Full Story: www.independent.ie

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Union criticises school building process [rte.ie]

The Irish National Teachers' Organisation has said the school building programme is overly bureaucratic and seems to be designed to keep schools on waiting lists for as long as possible.

The union was reacting to the news that only seven of 78 schools announced for construction in 2009 have been completed.


Full Story: www.rte.ie

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