Minister must reverse cuts to Protestant schools now []

I fully support the criticisms made by Dr. John Neil, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin, that Batt O'Keeffe's cuts to Protestant schools are an attack on a minority community. These cutbacks will have a terrible impact on rural boarding schools in particular, which cater for the dispersed Protestant community.

Batt O'Keeffe has claimed that the ancillary funding for Protestant schools is unconstitutional but this was never claimed to be the case over the last forty years. If the Minister has such legal advice he should publish it so that it can be studied openly and objectively.

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O'Keeffe to meet Protestant school representatives []

Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe is due to meet representatives of Protestant secondary schools today to discuss cutbacks announced in last year's budget.

The fee-paying schools have mounted a concerted campaign against Mr O'Keeffe's decision to cut government funding for their facilities.

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Cowen urged to overrule O'Keeffe on school funding []

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has called on the Taoiseach to overrule the Minister for Education's decision to cut funding to Protestant schools.

Speaking in the Dail this morning, Mr Kenny asked Brian Cowen to explain why advice was sought from the Attorney General on the funding system that has been in place for more than 40 years.

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In my opinion: Cross-border initiative is crucial to teacher support []

In a recent retrospective Professor John Coolahan, Professor Emeritus NUI Maynooth and Ireland's leading educationist, described his involvement in the establishment of the Standing Conference on Teacher Education, North and South (SCoTENS) as one of the most significant achievements of his career.

This is a resounding endorsement of the work of SCoTENS which was established in 2000. Its purpose is to encourage discourse among those involved in preparing young people for the teaching profession across the island of Ireland with constructive analysis of current provision and future collaboration.


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Should Irish classrooms be open for business? []

Parents busily collect Tesco vouchers in the hope that their child's school will be able to acquire a computer. Cadbury's provides sponsorship for a scheme aimed at encouraging links between business and disadvantaged schools.

AIB encourages secondary schools to set up their own bank branches, with students opening real life accounts. The Young Scientist Exhibition, sponsored by BT, is for many school-aged innovators the highlight of the school year.

It is hard to imagine schools without some form of business involvement or sponsorship. But where do schools draw the line between positive engagement with companies, and involvement that amounts to commercial exploitation of pupils?

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