Cuts will wipe out Protestant schools, warns archbishop []

EDUCATION Minister Batt O'Keeffe claimed yesterday that he withdrew €2.8m in grants from Protestant schools because the payment was deemed unconstitutional.

The Attorney General believed that to continue the grants would be unconstitutional as they were being given to the Protestant denomination and being refused to the Catholic denomination, he said in a heated Dail exchange with Fine Gael education spokesperson Brian Hayes. Mr O'Keeffe accepted that the funding position for Protestant schools in many areas could be more difficult than in Dublin.

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O'Keeffe won't reveal legal advice on axing of school grant []

EDUCATION Minister Batt O'Keeffe has refused to reveal details of any legal advice which prompted the axing of grants to Protestant secondary schools.

And, for the first time, he last night claimed the decision to withdraw the grants worth €2.8m was a "Government decision".

A request by the Irish Independent, made under the Freedom of Information Act, for all correspondence relating to the decision was refused by the Department of Education and Science, which cited "legal professional privilege".

The department also refused to release a briefing document on budgetary proposals regarding fee-paying schools, dated September 26 2008, on the grounds that it was part of the "deliberative process".

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Key issues pay-cut challenge to teachers [NZ Herald]

John Key laid down a challenge to teachers yesterday - sacrifice part of a pay rise so school support staff can have one.

Speaking at the Council of Trade Unions' conference, the Prime Minister was challenged by Frances Guy from the teachers' and support staff union, the NZ Educational Institute, over the nil pay increase offered to support staff.

The staff - including teacher aides, administration workers, librarians, nurses and therapists - are negotiating for a new collective contract.

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Parents to get right to take schools to court over unruly pupils [Times Online UK]

Parents will have the power to take schools to court if pupils disrupt their children's education, the Schools Secretary said today.

Ed Balls told MPs that all parents must sign behaviour contracts when their children start school in a move he said would "strengthen the school's hand with regards to the parent".

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Barnardos seeks online 'panic button' []

A report by the children's charity, Barnardos, is recommending that an age and identity verification system should be introduced for young people when they go online.

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