Should teachers be role models? [TimesOnline]

The issue of teacher behaviour is everywhere at the moment, not least because of the sentencing of music teacher Helen Goddard for having a relationship with a pupil, and the news that three male teachers at Headlands School in Yorkshire were convicted of having sex with their pupils.

But these rare incidents - and they are rare - have once again focused on another issue, of whether teachers should be role models, and of how they should behave outside the classroom.

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Handover of new school in Grangegorman by Minister Haughey []

The Minister for Lifelong Learning, Seán Haughey TD, today [Monday] officially handed over Dublin 7 Educate Together National School to the school's Board of Management.

The building project is a temporary two-storey 16-classroom primary school with special needs and ancillary accommodation.

Speaking at the school, Minister Haughey said: "I'm delighted to officially hand over the new school to the board of management."

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BBC Primary History []

BBC Primary History
Explore and compare civilisations such as the Ancient Greeks, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and others in this highly engaging site.

What is the site about?
This site offers an insights into six civilisations or societies in history, namely, Ancient Greeks, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Children in Victorian Britain and Children of WW2. All are covered in great detail and includes photos, interactive timelines, quizzes, activities and games.

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10,000 sign petition to scrap Sats []

More than 10,000 people have signed a petition urging the government to scrap Sats tests in primary schools.

Teachers have mounted a campaign to end the tests and are threatening to boycott next year's unless the government promises to end them. They say the focus on testing, and the league tables the results feed into, have narrowed the curriculum and forced teachers to teach to the test, undermining children's learning.

The National Union of Teachers and the National Association of Head Teachers, which are jointly running the campaign, said they had now received 10,000 signatures in an online petition. They are backed by Michael Rosen, the former children's laureate, who said in an interview with the NUT Teacher magazine: "Abolish Sats - they're utterly useless and they drive children, teachers and parents nuts."

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Minister signals VEC shake-up []

A MAJOR shake-up in the VEC sector is on the way.

Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe is inviting the State's 33 vocational education committees to submit their views on where they should go in future. The minister would not be drawn on suggestions that he would cut the number of VECs below the 20 mark last night.

But some fear the final figure could be as low as 16, even lower than the 22 recommended by the Bord Snip Nua report. The McCarthy report also recommended that the VECs be amalgamated into local authorities but this was rejected by Mr O'Keeffe.

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