In my opinion: Community role played by VECs must be recognised []

The publication of the An Bord Snip Report recommending extensive expenditure cuts across the public service has generated much public debate and media comment. The report's recommendation to abolish 11 of the State's 33 Vocational Education Committees (VECs) has generated some media attention on the functions and administration of these statutory local education authorities, much of which has been ill-informed.

This proposal is not new and dates back to the late 1990s when the rush towards regional educational boards was halted by the then Minister for Education, Micheal Martin, who fulfilled his government's commitment to 'ring-fence' VECs. The present economic difficulties have provided an opportunity for the cost-cutter's knife to renew old agendas.

Current economic difficulties have engendered a focus on efficiencies, and efficiency auditors are in the ascendancy, with a one-dimensional brief to focus solely on costs, not benefits.

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National Parents Week 2009 - 5th -11th October []

Monday 5th to Sunday 11th October is National Parents Week. We would like you to invite you or your organisation to take part in National Parents Week 2009. To participate, your group can do whatever suits you - maybe a cup of coffee for your members, training, an art competition or a conference... anything to highlight the very important role that parents play in society and the valuable work you do.

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Teachers ignore union order on school inspections []

UNION directives limiting co-operation with school inspections are being ignored by members in a number of second-level schools, the Irish Independent has learned.

The directives were imposed by the ASTI and TUI as a response to the "swingeing cutbacks in education and the increased workload placed on teachers". Members were told not to attend formal pre-evaluation or post-evaluation meetings or meetings with school management teams.

Eight whole school evaluations are to start in post-primary schools next week. Between now and the end of the year, about 230 subject inspections and 20 programme inspections will be carried out.

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Students with learning disabilities completing their educational cycle on a par with all other students to be reviewed []

The Equality Authority welcomes an important decision by the Equality Tribunal in a case involving students with learning disabilities being compelled to complete their second level education cycle by their 18th birthday. The four complainants two aged 14, one aged 17 and 18 were represented by the Equality Authority. The Equality Officer, finding in favour of the claimants, requires that they be treated the same as mainstream students who do not face such age limits when completing their Leaving Certificate. The Department of Education and Science has been ordered to pay compensation totalling €10,000 euros amongst three of the claimants and to review its policy accordingly.

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Colleges stop cover for staff on maternity and sick-leave []

THIRD-level staff who go on maternity leave will not be replaced in future, the Irish Independent has learned.

The decision -- which will affect hundreds of women every year -- has provoked anger among academics who say that it is discriminatory. Only a small number of exceptions will be made but colleges will need to get permission in advance to fill posts on a temporary basis. The ban on replacements will also hit staff who are out ill or on leave for some other reason. Those who retire or die will not be replaced either.

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