Irish F1 team wins global knowledge economy battle [SiliconRepublic]

The Koni Kats team from St David's Secondary School in Greystones, Co Wicklow, took the top honours at the fifth Formula One in Schools Technology Challenge World Championships held this week in London.

At a glittering awards ceremony attended by Lewis Hamilton and VIP guests from the world of Formula One and education, the talented students were presented with the Bernie Ecclestone World Championship Trophy and coveted Automotive and Motorsport Engineering scholarships to City University London.

Thirty-one teams from 20 countries were vying for the champions title. The Koni Kats team, with their design, development, engineering and presentation skills, as well as excellent team work, beat their international rivals and took home the trophy.

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400,000 teachers join interactive whiteboard community [SiliconRepublic]

Interactive education giant Promethean has revealed that membership of its teaching and learning community Promethean Planet has hit 400,000 professionals, including 3,600 in Ireland.

Other figures reveal that downloads of flipcharts, Promethean's interactive teaching content, exceeded 4m in one year, while September 2009 hosted the busiest day for site traffic with nearly 30,000 visits in 24 hours.

Highlighting local growth, Irish members have increased by more than two-thirds since January 2009 to more than 3,600. To address the growing demand, Promethean Planet has recently launched four local language sites, with a further four becoming available by the end of September.

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Gaeilge 'á labhairt' ag Google []

Tá sraith iomlán d'uirlisí aistriúcháin Gaeilge seolta ag Google. Anois beidh lucht labhartha na Gaeilge in ann torthaí cuardaithe ar leathanaigh Ghréasáin i dteangacha iasachta a aimsiú agus a léamh ina dteanga féin.

Scéal Iomláin:

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Principals' Professional Briefing Days 2009 [IPPN]

Following on from the success of the Principals' Briefing events held in Mayo & Donegal in 2008, IPPN hosted Principals' Professional Briefing Days on 9th September in Cork and 16th September in Dublin. Over 350 Principals attendance these events and feedback on the presentations by NCSE, SESS, Medmark, HSE and the DES Inspectorate was very strong.

Presentation materials will be available shortly in the Events/Principals' Professional Briefing Days section.

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Even star pupils can sink at second level []

How parents can stop them from falling through the cracks

Big change: A heavier workload and a new school setting can have a huge impact on young students

They may have thrived in primary school, but they flounder in the more impersonal surroundings of a second-level school. Education authorities are known to be concerned about the uneasy transition by pupils from primary to secondary. Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe recently expressed support for a revamp of the Junior Cert curriculum in order to improve continuity between schools.

He advocates a reduction in the number of subjects (now between 10 and 14) at Junior Cert, and an increased emphasis on practical skills. While most students adapt to their new school, a minority struggle and are in danger of falling through the cracks.

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