Diploma in Leadership and Management In Education

Diploma in Leadership and Management in Education

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Swine flu school won't close [IrishWorld.com]

A national school in rural Ireland, at the centre of the country's first serious outbreak of swine flu, will not be closing its doors, say health officials. By Shelley Marsden - 10/09/09

HSE doctors will advise parents this morning on safety measures at Laragh National School in Co Cavan following the outbreak, which has potentially left 18 children out of the 134-pupil school sick with the virus.

Precaution at the school are already in place in order to bring down the risk of the virus spreading. The alarm was raised on Monday morning when 18 pupils did not come to school.

Full Story: http://www.theirishworld.com/

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10th Anniversary of the Primary School Curriculum [NCCA]

Learning and Growing
Celebrating 10 years of the Primary School Curriculum (1999)
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Primary School Curriculum (1999). Ten years on from the launch of the curriculum we've learned a few things. Among them we've learned that our children like learning and that they are happy in schools. In our reviews of the Primary School Curriculum, teachers reported that children's enjoyment of learning was one of their greatest curriculum successes. Fostering the happiness of childhood, a time of excitement and discovery, is something of which we can and should be proud. So, for the tenth birthday of the curriculum we invited schools to share some of their successes with us. We invited them to contribute captioned photos and school stories of the curriculum in action. We received hundreds of inspirational images and some great stories that provide a snapshot of how children's learning is taking place in primary classrooms throughout the country.

Another thing that we have learned is that, despite the most difficult of circumstances and the prospect of a tough year ahead, schools and teachers continue to make tremendous efforts to breathe life into the pages of the Primary School Curriculum.

Full Story: http://www.ncca.ie/

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More music lessons ; to improve memory, intelligence and behaviour [Guardian.co.uk]

Learning a musical instrument at school improves children's behaviour, memory and intelligence, a government-commissioned study has found, as ministers launch the first National Year of Music.

Professor Susan Hallam, of the Institute of Education, University of London, analysed scores of researchers' studies on the benefits of music to children.

She found researchers had discovered that learning to play an instrument enlarges the left side of the brain. This leads musically-trained pupils to remember almost a fifth more information.

Full Story: http://www.guardian.co.uk/

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Minister O'Keeffe congratulates over 55,000 students on Junior Certificate results [DES P.R.]

The Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD today congratulated the 55,557 Junior Cert students who are receiving their results today.

Minister O'Keeffe said it is a very proud day for all the students, their parents and teachers and the culmination of many hours of hard work.

'Well done to each and every one of you.

'All the personal effort has been worthwhile and has now paid dividends.

'I am very encouraged to see that over 87pc of students took the Science subject at Junior Cert in 2009.

'Over 70pc of those students taking Science are taking it at higher level.

'The practical elements of the exam, which account for up to a third of the marks, certainly takes pressure off students during the final exam,' Minister O'Keeffe said.

Full Story: http://www.education.ie/

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