Forum Bulletin September 2009 []

The September 2009 issue of the Forum is now available for download.

Contents include: Leadership in Challenging Times; Misneach; INTO Directives; Information Meetings; INTO PDP conference; Unemployed teachers

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Majority of teachers admit poor performance tolerated []

BAD teachers are more likely to be tolerated in Irish second-level schools than in other countries.

And their chances of being dismissed for sustained poor performance in the classroom are among the lowest in the developed world.

A new report raises the controversial issue of rewarding good teachers, by drawing a link between poor performance and the lack of incentives to do the job well.

"It is clear that a lack of recognition for effectiveness is linked in many schools to an inability or unwillingness to take action for under-performing teaching," according to the OECD report, entitled 'Education at a Glance 2009'.

The report identifies school evaluations and feedback to teachers -- an area where Ireland is only catching up with most developed-world countries -- as the key to improving teacher performance.

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Junior Cert revamp will focus more on skills than exams []

A MAJOR shake-up of the Junior Certificate is on the way, the Irish Independent has learned.

The new-style Junior Cert will be more of a follow-on from the primary school curriculum, instead of being a 'practice run' for the Leaving Cert. There will be more emphasis on ongoing assessment of projects and portfolios, assessment for learning, and self-directed learning. Students are also likely to face fewer subjects under the revamp -- at present they take anything from 10 to 14.

Pressure for change has been building up for some time.

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Education spending 'worse than suggested' []

IRELAND'S poor investment in education relative to other countries is actually worse than was suggested in a major comparison of international statistics published yesterday, teacher unions have claimed.

Leaders of the four teacher unions also discussed how to oppose further education cutbacks from primary up to fourth level, as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was publishing its annual Education at a Glance report.

The Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (ASTI), Irish Federation of University Teachers, Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) and Teachers' Union of Ireland (TUI) will meet again to organise their campaigns against staffing and other cuts.

The OECD's collation of education statistics from more than 30 countries shows a relatively low proportion of national wealth spent on education in Ireland.

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Obama addresses US Students [NYTimes]

President Addresses America's Students
In a back-to-school speech delivered at a Virginia high school, President Obama urged students there and across the nation to make their own futures through hard work and education

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