PPP plan will transform college campuses and create construction jobs [DES P.R.]

Minister in UL for market launch of third -level projects

Building projects in four third-level institutions to be delivered under the Government's public-private partnership (PPP) plan will transform college campuses and create hundreds of jobs in construction, according to the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD.

Minister O'Keeffe was speaking today in the University of Limerick at the market launch of the first bundle of third-level educational facilities to be procured as a PPP.

In his keynote address to launch the open day for interested corsortia, Minister O'Keeffe said: 'The Government recognises the essential importance of continuing to invest in our future productive capacity during the economic downturn.

'We've prioritised our programme of investment in modernising and updating educational infrastructure at all levels.

Full Story: http://www.education.ie/

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Minister O'Keeffe welcomes latest OECD report on Education [DES P.R.]

Ireland performing well in comparison to other member countries- Minister O'Keeffe

The Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD today welcomed the latest OECD report Education at a Glance Indicators which sets out the position in relation to education systems across 30 OECD member countries as well as a number of partner countries

The report also sets the position of education in Ireland in a global context.

It shows that on many outcomes, students in Ireland are performing very well.

  • Continuing improvements over time in completion of senior cycle - 83pc of 25-34 year olds, here, had completed upper secondary education compared to 79pc across the OECD.
  • High rates of third level completion among the 25-34 year olds - 44pc compared to the OECD average at 34pc
  • Above average graduation rates in Science and Technology (the number of third level graduates per 100,000 of population aged 25-34 in employment was the seventh highest of any OECD)
  • Above average performance at age 15 in Science according to the OECD Programme for International Assessment (PISA)
  • Matching the improvements in outcomes, expenditure on education has been rising very significantly in recent years.Between 2000 and 2006, total spending increased in real terms, in Ireland, by 59pc for all levels of education combined below higher level. This compares with an OECD average figure of 21pc.
  • Since 2006 - the latest year's data available internationally - spending by my Department has increased by 18pc between 2006 and 2008 (in nominal terms).In 2008 €9 billion was spent on education - up from €7.7 billion in 2006 and €3.1 billion in 1997
  • Looking to the future the challenge remains to make provision for rising numbers of students - especially at Primary level where it is noted by OECD that (EAG2009: P14): -not all countries are expecting falling school enrolments - in Ireland, Spain and the partner country Israel, the 5-14 year-old population is set to rise by more than 15pc by 2015 (Indicator B2)
Full Story: http://www.education.ie/

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O'Keeffe warns teachers: I'll cut grants [Independent.ie]

EDUCATION Minister Batt O'Keeffe warned yesterday that a union's refusal to teach classes over a certain size could lead to cuts in funding for post-leaving certificate (PLC) colleges.

His blunt message was: If you are not flexible on class size, I will not pay grants for students who drop out.

Mr O'Keeffe threw down the gauntlet to the Teachers' Union of Ireland (TUI), which issued a maximum class-size directive to members in protest at cuts.

"At the end of the day, we will be withdrawing capitation," he warned last night.

Full Story: http://www.independent.ie/

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Principals' Professional Briefing Days 2009 [IPPN.ie]

Following on from the success of this event held in Mayo & Donegal in 2008, IPPN is providing Principals' Professional Briefing Days on the 9th September in Cork & 16th September in Dublin. Attendance at this event is strongly advised in order that you have the most up-to-date information on the issues that will most impact on your school in the coming year. Substitute cover will be provided be the DES. The Agencies providing information to you on the day will be: NCSE, SESS, Medmark, HSE and the DES Inspectorate.

Full Story: http://www.ippn.ie/

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Commission On Taxation report published [CommissionOnTaxation.ie]

The Commission on Taxation was established on 14 February, 2008 to review the structure, efficiency and appropriateness of the Irish taxation system. In setting up the Commission, the Tánaiste, Brian Cowen, TD, indicated that its work would help establish the framework within which tax policy would be set for the next decade at least, and that it was important that it take a strategic, considered and balanced perspective that recognised the evolving challenges ahead.

Commission Website: http://www.commissionontaxation.ie/

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