Back to school safety tips [MayoAdvertiser]

With local schools opening their doors for a new school year, children and parents are being reminded of dangers associated with the return to school and to take the necessary precautions. Maurice Buckley, CEO, National Standards Authority of Ireland, says there are a number of safety issues that parents need to be aware of. "The start of a new school year can make many parents nervous as they will not be able to keep as close an eye on their children as they were during the holidays. As Ireland's official standards body, NSAI aims to inspire consumer confidence and to help protect the public. The following safety tips will help ensure you and your kids have a safe return to school."

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INTO concerned over class sizes getting bigger []

The Irish National Teachers Organisation says Ireland is on course to have the most overcrowded classes in Europe. New figures from the Department of Education reveal that one in five primary school pupils are in class sizes of more than 30. We currently rank second in Europe when it comes to large classes. But General Secretary of the INTO Sheila Nunan said the situation is about to get a lot worse as these figures relate to last year before the budgetary decision to increase the pupil-teacher ratio from 27 to 28. "This is a snapshot taken before the impact before the deterioration this September, which if were to take a snapshot after that, would make it even more dire. "It adds up to say that the situation is going to worsen because if the implementation of the McCarthy report goes ahead then we will see a worsening situation this year and next year," she said.

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Stand-off in school transport dispute []

THE DEPARTMENT of Education has confirmed it is not in a position to provide transport to 15 Donegal children whose parents have now withdrawn them from school.

A stand-off continued yesterday as parents in the Churchill area maintained their protest outside Stramore National School in Glendowan.

Just days before the school was due to reopen for the new term, parents were informed that 15 children in the local area would be refused access to school transport. An option was given, however, to send them to Termon National School, over eight miles away.

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Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 (Swine Flu) []

Useful links in relation to this issue, including updated information from the DES:

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World Book Online []

What is the site about?

World Book Online is a digital encyclopaedia covering the entire text of the 22-volume enclyclopaedia plus illustrations, video clips, 3D panoramic views and sound files. It is available through Scoilnet at three levels: World Book Kids, World Book Students and World Book Advanced.

The licensing agreement between Scoilnet and World Book Online permits free access to teachers and students in Ireland using the Schools Broadband network. Home access, therefore, is currently restricted.

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