Ciall Ceannaithe - FAQs Course Structure

How is this course structured?
The course is delivered over 10 distinct modules. Each module is interactive and participatory and encourages participants to reflect upon the material presented and on their own experiences and interactions. The modules are presented in a logical sequence that guides participants in their learning and development.

Certain modules contain assignments that must be completed for 'Course Approval'. Also there is a public Discussion Forum to which participants are asked to contribute their views, opinions, experiences and ideas on particular topics directly related to each module and the overall theme of each course. Participants work at their own pace independently through their course
There is no specific time limit to completing the course except to note the course completion date is 31st July.

How many hours will it take to complete the course?
Each module will take i.e. 2 hours to complete, therefore it will take 20 hours to complete all 10 modules that make up the course. The time indicated includes time to study all course material either on-line or off-line, complete all course activities, and reflect on the material presented and to complete one posting to each of the ten modules.



Ciall Ceannaithe - FAQs Course Approval

How do I secure my EPV days?
Having studied the course participants must complete the following to secure EPV days:

Course Approval checklist

  • Profile contains the following a) Roll No., b) Teacher Number, c) School Name
  • 5 assignments and ALL discussion forum to be completed
  • All sections of Topic Outline module are completed e.g. Course Introduction and Orientation, Terms & Conditions are agreed to etc.
  • Course Reflective Learning Logs – 4 DES questions
  • Course Feedback Survey
  • Declaration of Integrity
  • Review of Sign Off of my CPD Record

What is the Course Reflective Learning Log?

The Course Reflective Learning Log is an assignment asking participants to consider and respond to four general questions about the course. This is a Department of Education requirement for all on-line summer courses.

What is the role of the on-line course facilitator?

Your on-line facilitator will interact with participants via each module’s discussion forum and the general course News Forum. The on-line facilitator can be e mailed for specific content queries. The course messaging facility can be used to contact the course facilitator.

Note: It is not the role of the on-line facilitator to ensure or remind you to fulfill the criteria for course completion (i.e. Forum Postings and submission of the Reflective Learning Log and the Continuous Professional Development Record). This is your responsibility.

What is the role of the on-line course approver?

Your on-line course approver will review the activity logs for your participation as well as your discussion forum postings and consider your application for Course Approval.  The procedure is outlined above.


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