E-Scéal 152: Dail to Debate the crisis of Primary School Funding

Principals, teachers, parents and everyone involved in primary education will have a huge interest in the education debate in the Dáil this week.

The Labour Party's Private Members' Motion will be debated in the Dáil on Tuesday and Wednesday, with the opening speech to be made by the party's leader Eamon Gilmore.

The motion reads: 'That Dail Eireann notes with grave concern the serious financial crisis facing many primary schools and calls for the doubling of the capitation grant with effect from the school year 2008/2009.'

IPPN are pleased that the campaign to highlight the serious problem of funding in our schools has received the national and media attention it deserves and is to be discussed in the Dail. This campaign will continue until principals are satisfied that they can concentrate on the teaching and learning aspects of their role rather than worrying about fund-raising and paying the bills.

It is open to any member of the public to attend the debate in the Dáil. You might like to attend yourself or suggest to your Parent's Association, Board of Management, staff - or, indeed, parents and children - to attend. The debates will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at about 7.30 p.m.

Arrangements for admission to the public gallery must be made in advance either through your local T.D. or by contacting the following:
Cathy Flanagan, Campaigns Officer, Labour Party, Ph: 01.6784715, E: cathy.flanagan@labour.ie

A large attendance in the public gallery in the Dail will send a strong message on the importance of this issue for principals. Please encourage as many as possible to attend.

Is sinne le meas
Seán Cottrell & Larry Fleming

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E-Scéal 151: Substitute Teachers - Qualifications & Suitability

We want to bring to your attention the importance of verifying the authenticity of anyone applying for work in your school. Recently we have learned that an individual falsely claiming to be a qualified teacher, registered with TextaSub.ie and responded to a call from a Principal. It is important to remember that TextaSub.ie is just another means of locating available teachers. Whether a Principal / Deputy Principal sources a substitute teacher through a newspaper advert, the local unemployment centre, Education Centre or a website, the responsibility to verify the qualifications and suitability of the individual candidate is the same.

IPPN's advice is that no matter how you find a substitute teacher (or indeed any staff member), you should request that a copy of their qualifications, accompanied by a passport, driving licence or other official photo-ID, be presented prior to commencing work.

A second level Principal recently contacted the IPPN Support Office alerting us to a teacher who has legitimate qualifications at second level and is currently taking on substitute work in Primary Schools. However, the Principal in question has serious concerns about the suitability of the individual in question. For this reason, aside from seeking documentation to verify qualifications, it is also reasonable to ask a substitute teacher for details of recent employment so that an oral reference can be sought from those schools.

In summary, the Board of Management, through the Principal, is responsible for recruitment regardless of the means by which it is carried out. A clear disclaimer to this effect can be seen on www.textasub.ie.

Meanwhile, TextaSub.ie has helped hundreds of Principals to find thousands of substitute teachers in the last three years. It takes three minutes to send out your message, giving you access to the substitute teachers currently available in your county. If you wish to avail of this service, which is free to IPPN members, simply log in to www.textasub.ie and register your information.

Is sinne le meas

Larry Fleming & Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 150: Keeping Banking Details Confidential

It has come to the attention of IPPN that at least one school in the Galway area has this week received an e-mail, purporting to come from their own bank and including the Bank Logo, requesting details of their bank account for confirmation purposes. Luckily, the school recognised the e-mail as potential fraud and did not act on it.

As this type of approach by email has happened frequently with individual bank customers, all banks are very clear that they will never seek such information by email. This is our first experience of a school being approached in this context. This situation should be brought to the attention of any school employee who might receive it in the line of duty. As we have advised previously in the case of the European Schools Directory issue, no information about the school, or its bank account details, should be given to anybody online.

We are all grateful that this information has been brought to our attention so that we can keep you informed.

Le meas,

Virginia O'Mahony
IPPN Support Office

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E-Scéal 148: Energia

We have received numerous calls to the office and observed the many postings to Networking@ippn.ie over the past few weeks enquiring about the genuine benefits of switching to Energia.

IPPN conducted research and negotiated with energy companies with a view to finding the best value for Primary Schools. Based on a combination of quality of service, reputable track record and competitive pricing, IPPN secured a deal with Energia offering schools up to 10% savings on their current electricity bills. Depending on your current rate these savings can reach as much as 13%. The service was introduced in October of 2007 and so far over 400 schools have switched to Energia. The feedback we have received has been 100% positive in respect of both the savings and service provided.

For more details on the Energia deal see the front page of www.ippn.ie.

To sign up or to receive further information, simply call 091 384138.

IPPN is trying to create savings on necessary utilities in schools. If there are products or services you would like to negotiate better value on using our buying power as a network then please let us know by e-mailing marketing@ippn.ie.

Le meas

Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 147: Please give your feedback on funding today to RTÉs Prime Time

Please give your feedback on funding today to RTE Prime Time

IPPN and NPC have teamed up to jointly campaign about the persistent under-funding of primary schools, particularly in relation to day-to-day operational costs. The main objective of our campaign is to have primary school children grant-aided to the same level as their second-level brothers and sisters. This would mean the annual capitation grant going from €178 per child to the €318 per child currently available to second-level schools.

RTÉ Prime Time have examined the school accounts of two schools with different economic backdrops. The contrast is stark. One school in Tallaght is constantly under pressure to make ends meet and consequently cannot invest sufficiently in the educational resources and technologies needed for a modern school. The other school in Kells, Co. Meath is more fortunate whereby the parents have the means to constantly fundraise and enable the school invest in the latest resources.

Neither school should have to fundraise. One school should not be disadvantaged because of its economic back drop. The parents of the other school should not have to fund for so-called 'free' primary education.

In order to keep this campaign going, it is important that all Principals support each other regardless of individual circumstances. Re. the Prime Time programme Thursday 28th February, please help by:

a. Contacting the Prime Time Production Team in order to register your support for this campaign;
b. Expressing your own views about the inequitable funding structure in primary schools and how Principal teachers feel embarrassed and frustrated by constantly having to go to parents for money;
c. Thanking Prime Time for highlighting this issue.

Prime Time contact details are:

Email - primetime@rte.ie
Tel. - 01 208 3199 - 01 208 2311 - 01 208 2410

Strong feedback to current affairs television programmes is an important factor in determining their likelihood of revisiting the topic.

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell and Larry Fleming

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