E-scéal 141: Key Information for Principals and Deputy Principals re Benchmarking

The Public Service Benchmarking Body issued its report yesterday. The report covers all Public Sector areas so for your convenience we are sending you Chapter 14 which deals with Principals' pay recommendations. We also attach a detailed breakdown of the proposed increases for different sized schools, and their overall impact on Principals' and Deputy Principals' salaries.

You may access both documents by clicking on the links below.

Le meas

Seán Cottrell

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E-scéal 140: www.EducationPosts.ie - Delay in Rule Change

With the establishment of the new Boards of Management, and the publication of the Revised Constitution for Boards of Management, it has been agreed to include web-based advertising as an alternative option to national newspapers. IPPN has lobbied for this zero cost alternative since 2002 when it first launched www.EducationPosts.ie as a portal for vacancy advertising.

It was intended by the Education Partners, who revised the Constitution and Rules of Procedure for the new BoMs, that this option would begin from January 1st 2008. A Circular was to be issued by the Department of Education & Science at the end of 2007 outlining the details of web-based advertising. This Circular has not been issued yet and pending its arrival the rules for advertising posts remain as they were and all relevant vacancies should be advertised in a national daily newspaper until further notice.

In light of financial pressure on schools, we eagerly await the go ahead to switch completely from newspapers to www.EducationPosts.ie

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E-scéal 139: Merry Christmas from all at IPPN

Ar son Láonra Phríomhoidí Bunscoile Éireann, gabhaimid beannachtaí na féile ort um Nollag.

Instead of sending Christmas cards, IPPN has made a donation to Trócaire towards the provision of education resources for Burmese children living in refugee camps on the Thai border. Details of Trócaire's work can be seen on www.trocaire.ie

May 2008 bring you good health and happiness.

Nollaig Shona agus ath-bhlian faoi mhaise dhuit.

Larry, Virginia & Seán

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E-Scéal 138: Mobile+ Offer now available to Deputy Principals

IPPN and O2's mobile phone tariff now available to Deputy Principals until the end of January 2008.
Hundreds of Principals are currently enjoying the many advantages of :

1: Mobile+ generates a saving of at least 25% a month when compared to the *best value competitor offers on the market
2: Mobile+ offers shorter peak time hours 9am-4pm versus 8am-6pm on competitor networks leading to an even lower cost as fewer hours are rated at higher peak rates.
3: Mobile+ offers a fixed monthly rental of €8.47 compared to €29 for the nearest competitor. This will save you more money in months where your usage might be low.
4. Mobile+ includes a free handset (choice of Nokia 6230i and Nokia 7390 in pink).
5. Mobile+ allows you to keep your existing number if desired.

Chart based on the following assumptions reflecting an average user profile:
Average no of voice mins p/m: 248 minutes & Average no of texts p/m: 174 texts.
This IPPN / O2 offer is open to Deputy Principals in schools where the Principal is availing of the tariff. Alternatively you can both subscribe together. The tariff is facilitated by 3G so for queries or to subscribe contact the 3G service team on 1890 401 501 or call into any of the 23 nationwide 3G stores quoting IPPN and the Mobile+ tariff.
To subscribe you will need to fill in the Customer Application Form (highlighted fields only) CLICK HERE and provide a copy of the ID required listed on the attached form to any of the 23 nationwide 3G stores. Is mise le meas

Seán Cottrell

* Offer available to Deputy Principals until the end of January 2008
**1) Meteor Talk 300: Free weekend calls to any network
**2) Vodafone Perfect Choice 200: Free Vodafone to Vodafone Weekend Calls
**3) Three Talk 200 Anytime: no offer

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E-Scéal 137: Professional Advice re Water Charges

In response to queries and requests for clarification from Principals, IPPN is issuing the following advice in relation to water charges:


IPPN research shows that capitation grants do not adequately cover the basic running costs of schools, leaving up to a 50% shortfall
Metered water charges have been recently introduced to many schools
The amount charged for water is disproportionate to the cost of other utilities and to the DES capitation grant
The level of these charges does not appear to be consistent between schools of similar size between and within local authorities:

IPPN recommends that Principals advise their Board of Management to:

  • Write to their local authority and formally defer payment of water charges, pending clarification from the DES and Department of the Environment
  • Make clear that your school's deferral of payment must not result in additional interest or charges being imposed
  • Write to the Minister for Education and Science, Mary Hanafin, TD and the Minister for the Environment, John Gormley, TD stating that your school cannot pay for water charges from existing funding. Request that the issue of water charges is resolved at a national level between both Departments. Cite the example of Broadband provision to schools on a 'no cost' basis. This initiative resulted from inter-Departmental arrangements between the DES and the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources.
  • Suggest that the BoM and Parents' Association also write to local political representatives seeking their support for an urgent increase in the Capitation Grant to primary schools on an equal basis to second-level schools.

Related Points

In acknowledging the goodwill of parents who financially support their schools through voluntary contributions and other fundraising activities, IPPN believes that such fundraising should only be for non-essential "extras" which enhance the teaching and learning experience for children.

Parents should not be expected to make up for the shortfall in capitation grants.

Is sinne le meas

Larry Fleming, Seán Cottrell & Virginia O'Mahony

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