E-Scéal 162: SEN Resources - Apply Now & Deputy Principals Conference 2008

SEN Resources for 2008/2009

Last week, we met with Mr Pat Curtin and Mr Sé Goulding from the National Council for Special Education (NCSE). They informed us that this year many Principals are late in applying for SEN resources - namely, SNAs and Low Incidence SEN teaching hours. The NCSE are advising Principals to apply immediately for the resources you require for September 2008. If you are waiting for psychological assessments to be completed, they advise you to go ahead and apply now based on your current paperwork and make a supplementary application later. One of their concerns is that if applications all arrive at the end of the current school year, they will not all be processed on time for the new school year.

Deputy Principals' Conference 2008

Deputy Principals from more than 200 schools will attend their annual conference at the Carlton Shearwater Hotel, Ballinasloe next week. Two Heads are Better than One - Sharing the Leadership Role is the theme this year.

The conference begins on Monday evening at 6pm with a Trade Exhibition and registration followed by dinner at 7.30pm. Seminar topics will include:

1. Special Education Needs - pupil withdrawal vs. in-class support - Fiona King

2. Inclusion - Policy & Practice - Pat Goff & Larry Fleming

3. Building Professional Relationships - Angela Lynch & Jim Hayes

Due to increased demand, additional places have been made available. Principals may attend provided the Deputy Principal also attends. Substitute cover is provided by the DES for Deputy Principals only for Tuesday, 20th May. To book a place, please click here to download an application form or call the IPPN Support Office on 1890 21 22 23.

As those of you who have attended these events will know, participation in the seisean is a pre-requisite for deriving maximum benefit from the event! Please bring along your guitar, flute, accordion or songbooks.

We are looking forward to meeting you on Monday evening.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 161: Order your FREE Principal's Desk Diary for 2008/09

If you want to receive your free Principals' Information Management System (PIMS) desk diary for 2008/2009, the last date for orders is Monday 12th May. Due to higher production costs, late orders will require a payment of €30. PIMS will be sent to you before the end of June.

To order your free copy of PIMS:

Click 'reply' to this email or send an email to support@ippn.ie stating

  • your name
  • your school roll number
  • which of the following options you want - (A) or (B):

(A) PIMS ring-binder and 2008/2009 insert pages
(B) PIMS 2008/2009 insert pages only(If you already have the PIMS ring-binder)

You may also telephone the Support Office on 1890 21 22 23 to place your order. However, we would really appreciate if you would use the email option as it places less pressure on our support office staff.

Note: PIMS contains a calendar, weekly appointments diary, key reminder dates, templates for planning & administrative tasks, supplier lists, key contact details, grants schedule and many other features.

Is sinne le meas,

Seán Cottrell, Larry Fleming

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E-Scéal 160: IPPN On-line CPD 2008

This summer IPPN is offering its most comprehensive Summer Programme of Professional Development to date. The topics being covered are at the core of every Principal's working day and will provide greater understanding of the role and innovative solutions to the many challenges facing Principals. The On-line courses being offered by IPPN are:

1. Bullying - Prevention and Counteraction.
We are fortunate to have the services of acknowledged experts in this area, Jacinta Kitt and Dr. Brendan O'Byrne to enable Principals to come to a better understanding of the causes of bullying, to know how to address the problem when it arises in school and to work towards the prevention of all types of bullying behaviour.

2. Dealing with Challenging Behaviour
Challenging behaviour in all its forms, and whatever its source, can sap the energy and creativity of school leaders. Joe O'Connell, drawing on his expertise in this topic, and his experience as a School Principal, suggests ways of understanding, dealing with and preventing such behaviour.

3. Ciall Ceannaithe for Newly Appointed Principals 2008
In line with IPPN's ongoing work of supporting Newly Appointed Principals, this course is an amalgamation of the 'Sound advice and borrowed wisdom' gained by many experienced Principals over many years. It is designed to guide Newly Appointed Principals, as they prepare take up their new appointment, through the first day, week, month and year [ortwo] of leading a learning community. It provides examples of good practice, helpful hints and practical support on all aspects of the role of the Principal.

4. The Principal and the Law
IPPN is also delighted to recommend to you David Ruddy's on-line programme, which is being offered this year by Coláiste Mhuire, Marino. This programme is designed to improve your knowledge and competency in respect of your schools legal obligations to children, parents, staff etc. David is one of Irelands leading experts in education law. His expertise derives from his specialist knowledge of education and other related law, coupled with his experience and knowledge as a serving Principal Teacher.

This On-line Summer Programme offers an innovative solution to professional development for busy school principals & their staff. Please examine programme details below for further information.

Please circulate this e-mail to colleagues. These courses are open to all Principals, Deputy Principals and other staff.

Course Details

Application Form

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell - Larry Fleming

Director President

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E-scéal 159: Improving School Leadership in Ireland - Recommendations from OECD

The OECD report, Improving School Leadership, just published, concludes that principals in 20 countries examined, including Ireland, are 'overburdened, underpaid and opting for early retirement'. Crucially, not enough applicants are coming forward to fill the growing number of vacancies.

The National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD) and the Irish Primary Principals' Network (IPPN), representing school leaders at post-primary and primary level in Ireland, welcome the findings of this research. This international report corroborates the evidence already highlighted to government by both principals' associations in recent years about the evolving crisis in recruiting and retaining school leaders.

The report also shows that potential applicants see the role of principal as financially unrewarding. Significantly for Ireland, the OECD recommends that principals should be placed on a separate salary scale as an essential strategy to attract the highest calibre leaders to our schools.

"This report, from a leading world authority, vindicates and corroborates what principals in Ireland have been saying for years. Not only this, but it throws down a very real challenge to government about what is urgently needed for a meaningful school improvement agenda." stated Clive Byrne, Director of NAPD.

"All the international research shows that to achieve meaningful school improvement and improved learning outcomes for children, governments must provide principals with high quality supports to enable them prioritise their role as leaders of learning in their schools. Increased investment in social inclusion, class size reduction and special education needs will not achieve the desired results without high caliber, enthusiastic vibrant principals." said Sean Cottrell, Director, IPPN.

Improving School Leadership is based on a study of school leadership policies and practices throughout OECD countries. Offering a valuable trans-national perspective, it identifies a range of policy options designed to help member governments improve school leadership now and ensure sustainable leadership for the future.

In particular policy makers and practitioners need to ensure that the core focus of the principal is on improved learning outcomes and must not be distracted by burgeoning administration.

The OECD report identifies four main policy levers which, taken together, can improve school leadership:

1. (Re)define school leadership responsibilities:
a) Provide a higher degree of autonomy with appropriate support
b) Redefine school leadership responsibilities for improved learning
c) Develop school leadership frameworks for improved policy and practice

2. Distribute school leadership:
a) Encourage leadership distribution
b) Support leadership distribution
c) Support school boards in their tasks

3. Develop skills for effective school leadership
a) Leadership development must be seen as a continuum
b) Ensure consistency of provision by different institutions
c) Ensure appropriate variety for effective training

4. Make school leadership an attractive profession:
a) Professionalise recruitment
b) Focus on the relative attractiveness of school leaders' salaries
c) Acknowledge the supportive role of professional associations in developing effective leaders
d) Provide options and support for career development

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E-Scéal 158: Deputy Principals Conference 2008

Since 2002, over 400 Deputy Principals have attended Deputy Principals' Conferences and openly shared best practice based on their own direct experience. Responding to their request for opportunities to jointly attend leadership-focused professional development events with their Principals, IPPN will host the fifth IPPN Conference for Deputy Principals on the evening of Monday 19th and all day Tuesday, 20th May 2008 at the Carlton Shearwater Hotel, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway.

All Deputy Principals who are IPPN members are invited to attend. Principals are invited to attend provided their Deputy Principal is also attending.

Note: Sub-cover is available for Deputy Principals to attend this event. Conference fee and travel expenses can be recouped from your Board of Management. Sub-cover is not provided for Principals.

The event will include seminars on
Special Education Needs
Getting the Work / Life Balance right
Effective Whole School Communication
Developing Professional Relationships

Application forms will be sent to schools early next week. They are also available to download from www.ippn.ie. Follow this link to access, download and print the form -> http://tinyurl.com/68dhrp. The deadline for receipt of applications is Wednesday 30th April 2008.

Is sinne le meas

Seán Cottrell, Virginia O'Mahony & Larry Fleming

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IPPN Sponsors

