E-Scéal 167: Part-time SEN hours, educationposts.ie & Online Summer Courses

Combining Part-time SEN hours

Principals wishing to combine part-time SEN posts with part-time posts in other schools may place relevant information on the SEN Clustering Notice Board on educationposts.ie. To place an ad, click on the Employer section within the Primary Level and click on Add to SEN Clustering Notice Board or click on this link.


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E-Scéal 166: Religion - Who should teach it, when and where?

We invite you to give your opinion on the place of Religion in the Primary School of the future. This is necessary because your professional body - IPPN has been asked by the DES to contribute to a conference on June 27th at which this topic will be explored.

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E-Scéal 165: DES Provides New Email Address for Principals' SEN Queries

The Special Education Section in the DES have agreed, following a request from IPPN, to provide a dedicated email address for Principals seeking information, advice etc. in relation to SEN resources. It seems that in recent weeks DES staff have been inundated with calls and unable to cope with the volume. This led to a restriction in the number of hours within which calls could be answered. Clearly this created other problems. We have been assured that if Principals communicate with Primary Administration 3 using the email address lsrt@education.gov.ie, that a more efficient and satisfactory service will be provided. Please note that this address is for the use of Principals only.

We would also like to remind you that if you, or any members of your staff, wish to participate in our programme of On-line Summer Courses, full course details and booking form are available to download from www.ippn.ie.

Is mise le meas,

Seán Cottrell

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E-Scéal 164: 2008/09 Planning Day & Mental Health Survey

Planning / Development Day

Following repeated requests for information from the DES, it has just been confirmed that BoMs may close schools for one day during the 2008/09 academic year to facilitate school planning and curriculum development. We hope this information will be helpful in calendar planning. It has also been announced that the School Development Planning (SDP) initiative and the Primary Currriculum Support Programe (PCSP) will be merged into one service. Details of the nature of the new service are not known at this point.

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E-Scéal 163: Free Advertising on educationpost.ie - New DES Circular 62/2008

After 6 years of lobbying by IPPN, the DES and the Management Bodies have finally agreed to allow website advertising for all teaching posts with effect from today 14th May, 2008. This will save your school hundreds of euro per vacancy.

How will this work? From today onwards, you can place your advert on educationposts.ie entirely FREE of charge. However, for the remainder of 2008 calendar year, the circular requires schools to place a shortened 'one line advert' in a national newspaper. In the interest of cost savings this should be kept to the minimum words as per the example below.

Eg. Permanent teacher required from 1-09-08 St. Mary's NS, Bray RN12345X. See www.educationposts.ie.

It is sufficient to place this 'one line' advert in a national paper for one day only. This will cease to be a requirement from 01-01-2009.

Please refer to 2 linked documents:

  1. DES Circular 62/2008
  2. Two Posters for Educationposts.ie for Principals/BoMs & non-permanent teachers

Please circulate the Teachers' Poster by e-mail, photocopy and place on staffroom notice board.

At the time of issue there are 155 vacancies advertised on www.educationposts.ie and 4,612 teachers registered awaiting adverts in their chosen counties.

Is sinne le meas,

Seán Cottrell & Larry Fleming

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