E-scéal 257 - ICT Supplement, PIMs Diary, Your School & Staff Management

Sunday Business Post Supplement Features Technology in Schools
This weekend’s Sunday Business Post will feature a 16 page broadsheet supplement - ‘Best Schools 2011 - putting technology into practice’, which is dedicated to the use of technology in the classroom.  The supplement will include a short feature on IPPN’s web services EducationPosts.ie, TextaSub and TextaParent.ie.
The supplement examines advances in infrastructure with more choice in digital content, and the recognition in the Irish education system that smart schools are a fundamental stepping stone to a revitalised economy. The Sunday Business Post’s team of tech writers talk to wide ranging experts, from international thought leaders to school principals on the frontline who are already seeing the benefits.

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E-scéal 256 - Your School & Staff Management, DP Conference & INTO Meeting

Your School & Staff Management – sponsored by Allianz_logo_-HIGH_RES_120_x_34
One of the biggest challenges facing school leaders and their boards is staff management – from appointment procedures to dealing with underperformance and everything in between.  IPPN will present a one-day management seminar entitled ‘Your School & Staff Management’ for Principals and Board of Management members covering a variety of staff management-related topics including:

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E-scéal 255 - Croke Park Agreement – ‘Whole School Hours’

There has been a lot of discussion among Principals on the implementation of the extra hours that arose from the Croke Park Agreement.  We have received a lot of phone calls to the IPPN Support Office looking for guidance on the use of this time, which we are referring to here as ‘whole school hours’. The following points are intended to answer the wide range of questions we received, and hopefully they may be of help to you in your consultations with staff, and your input to the Board of Management’s decision on its use.

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E-scéal 254 - NQTs – Probation – Principal’s Role & Teaching Council

Yesterday, IPPN met with the Teaching Council in relation to the plans to change the process of probating new teachers.  You may be aware that in the course of school visits, the Inspectorate have been telling Principals that they would no longer be involved in probating NQTs from 2011-2012 onwards.  This was confirmed last month by Chief Inspector, Harold Hislop at our conference.

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E-scéal 253 - Education Issues for Party Political Canvassers

The general election is dominating the airwaves at present, and the issues are many and varied. For school leaders, it is a great concern that education has had a very low profile in this campaign to date. Perhaps it is time that we put current serious education issues on the agenda for debate and discussion. IPPN has collated a list of 10 serious and urgent issues affecting school communities and especially our children’s future life chances. It would be worth raising these challenges with all party political canvassers at your doorstep or whenever you get the opportunity in the days ahead.

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