E-scéal 285 - SnowClear de-icer Salt – who knew?

We are delighted to announce that our partnership with Clearwater Technology Ltd for the supply of a group offer on de-icer salt to schools is proving very successful. Orders are being delivered to schools across the country every day.

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E-scéal 284 - Employing a Substitute Teacher

From a Principal’s perspective, the employment of a substitute teacher by the Board of Management is sometimes planned for a considerable length of time; usually when the teacher has given notice of their impending absence.  However, in most instances the teacher’s absence is caused by sudden illness, giving the Principal little time to prepare.

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E-scéal 283 - Primary School Governance - Challenges and Opportunities

This week, IPPN will launch a report, ‘Primary School Governance - Challenges and Opportunities’ - the first comprehensive, evidence-based analysis of how our schools are managed and run since BoMs were set up four decades ago. IPPN conducted research using questionnaires distributed to 500 randomly-selected primary schools. It is timely that we publish the report this month since, as you know, 26,000 new board members take up their voluntary positions from December 1st.

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E-scéal 282 - Conference 2012, PT Meetings, County Network Meetings

2012 Conference Countdown
Registration for Conference 2012 is available exclusively online at www.ippn.ie.  At the time of booking for Conference 2012 you will be asked to register for your choice of seminars, workshops, and information sessions.  IPPN Principals' Conference opens on Thursday, 26 January 2012.  Running parallel with education expo will be a series of self care opportunities.  These will include yoga and Pilates classes, nutrition, somatics, mindfulness and stress management sessions. 

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E-scéal 281 - Enough salt to keep your school open

With fore warnings of yet another severe winter as well as queries to the Support Office arising from the various accidents and incidents that happened last January, we have sourced a distributor of industrial salt suitable for use on the footpaths, play grounds and car parks of schools.   

IPPN has partnered with Clearwater Technology Ltd, an Irish company, to provide Snowclear De-icer Salt to IPPN member schools at a specially negotiated rate.

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