E-scéal 237 - The end of another year

Making best use of the Extra Hour
From September next, schools will have the equivalent of one non-contact hour per week.  IPPN is putting together a possible menu of options that you may present to your staff for consultation, and subsequently to your Board of Management for approval.  This is a rare opportunity to create time and space where you as Principal can have uninterrupted, high quality time with your staff for planning and organisational purposes.  It is critically important that we put best practice in place and harness the opportunities that this hour provides.  If you have suggestions on how best to use this time please send your ideas to Páiric Clerkin (
pairicclerkin@gmail.com), who is leading this project for the Executive.

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E-scéal 236 - Are we there yet?

Principals Retiring
We wish Principals embarking on this new stage in their lives a happy and fruitful retirement from the ‘front-line’.  As school leaders, you have made an enormous contribution to primary education and to your school communities.  Now it is time to plan a new course in your life, and all in IPPN wish you success, happiness and good health in whatever you choose to do.

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E-scéal 235 - IPPN Online CPD - EPV Approved Summer Course

IPPN Online CPD - EPV Approved Summer Course
This year's online summer course is Ciall Ceannaithe – Sound Advice & Borrowed Wisdom.  The programme is designed to meet the needs of every Principal's working day and will provide a greater understanding of the role and innovative solutions to the many challenges facing Principals.  Ciall Ceannaithe is for Newly Appointed Principals.  It is also suitable for aspiring and experienced Principals.

Click here for further information

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E-scéal 234 - Email - more effective than telephone

Principals are reporting difficulty in gaining access to the DES by telephone, due to allocated time periods in telephone answering. It may be opportune to consider email as generally a more efficient means of contacting the DES. It is certainly more time efficient and email has the added benefit of giving you a record both of your query, the date and of the content of the response. This is outlined in the Chinese proverb which says 'The palest ink lasts longer than the most retentive memory'.

E-scéal 233 - Dealing with Underperformance - Section 24

Teacher Underperformance
Circular 60/2009 outlines the process to be used for dealing with underperformance issues in schools.  A number of Principals currently involved in ‘Section 24's’ have contacted the support office with a view to networking with other Principals that are in a similar situation.  Given how new this process is, there is virtually no precedence to refer to.  Understandably, those involved are eager to share experiences.  If you are currently in the process of, or have completed a ‘Section 24’, please contact the IPPN Support Office if you are willing to share with your colleagues on a one-to-one basis. 

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